Family and Friends Forum

Getting closer - getting sicker

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Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 2:46pmReport post

Hi all

Many of you know my story but there is a lot of new people on here sadly. So background. Hubby is charged with 2x attempting communication and 2x attempting to engage in sexual activity in the presence of a minor.
He plead guilty in May.

So Hubby had his PSR in May. They lost it. So he has to do it again. But it's not been arranged yet. So he has been on a warned list but we now have a "definite" date of 1st September for sentencing.

Solicitor and the first probabtion officer think community order or suspended sentence but I know not to pin my hopes on that.

As we creep ever closer to the date the anxiety in me is raising to a point I feel sick. I feel so much pressure to make every day with our 11 month old count. I feel I cannot waste a moment incase her daddy is taken away. Which frankly just puts pressure on me.

He is in complete denial that he might go to prison. I think he just wants to be hopeful. But im just so frightened.

it wouldn't make any sense for them to put him away. No bail. Lived at home with us all this time. Engaged well with social services and probabtion. Been in therapy this whole time. Done safer lives. Lots of support ect ect. And yet I know that could mean nothing.

There is no point to this other than to speak to you lovely people.
it's just so hard at the moment to put a brave face on and keep making everything as perfect as it can be and make memories.
Then there is the financial worry. I have no idea how I'm going to cope if he goes. I won't get any financial help.

I just can't wait for this to be over. But then what does that even mean?! Seeing JayJays post the other day about restrictions has scared the life out of me. I don't think I can live like that. I love him so much. And my daughter loves him. But what kind of life is that for us?!

I hate this.


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 2:53pmReport post

Also, hubby signed the SOR in May. We haven't had a single visit yet. Is that weird?

Globe trotter

Member since
June 2021

48 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 4:29pmReport post


We are in the same situation

Our case is on 22 of this month. Probation are recomending a suspended sentence at the end of the day its up to the Judge

I hope he comes home after his day in court


Member since
December 2021

45 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 8:35pmReport post

I feel your pain. Hubby has not been home now since the arrest in December and has not had contact with our children since February (ridiculous sw made so many mistakes I won't go into)

sentencing is on Friday. I can't take the pressure and anxiety.

big hugs to you. Xxx

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 9:28pmReport post

Thinking of all you guys. X x

I can imagine the awful pressure and immense feelings you're having.. sending love x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 9:52pmReport post

Oh scared lamb I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause worry. Although I wish I had known a bit more about the SOR restrictions prior to prepare, I do think his officer is stricter than some after reading peoples replies. I have challenged a few things and have a telephone call booked with them.
The next month or 2 will be hard as it's going into the unknown. I've had time to process what is being asked and spoken to helpline, I think if we stay it's something we will start to get used to and hopefully it will become easier: One bit of advice is make sure your solicitor challenges the SHPO - we didn't get to see it until an hour before, my oh's draft was a blanket draft with lots of no contact in - even with our own children, he asked for it to be taken off and it was, internet only. It's the SOR that upset me as I wasn't expecting all those restrictions.

please take one day at a time, there are no time limits for decisions, you don't even need to make any, just see how it goes. You've been messed about terribly with all the delays and I hope you get your new normal very soon xx