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Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Mon August 8, 2022 11:48pmReport post

Husband sentenced, got a suspended sentence and 10 years SHPO. The judge was horrific, don't want to go in detail but she was determined to make life as difficult as possible. Anyhow that was last Thursday. He has now lost his job, not a surprise but the judge had a very active role in ensuring he would not be able to work and got CPS to contact his employer.

So that was last Thursday and nothing in the media....until this morning! Marvellous! Picture of him, our address and as ever many inaccurate facts. They have also made reference to my son who has learning disability and I am furious that they have published about him. I phoned the newspaper and the guy I spoke to couldn't have been less interested. He said if I want to complain to go to IPSO. Which I have.
My other son who is 17 is in hospital having tests and I am worried about him as well. A friend of his helpfully forwarded the article to him, he was supportive but my son was distraught.

I keep thinking it can't get worse but it does! Sorry to all those who are approaching this point. I know that it is the fear of all of ours, the media are brutal. I haven't read it in detail, but my son ready the comments people had posted, the usual, vile, disgusting, should be hung, shot etc etc.

Nevertheless I will go to bed and get up to live another day of this nightmare of monumental proportion.


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 12:32amReport post

Hi Cornish Tea,

I am sorry you have a lot going on and then have to deal with the stupid media, it's traumatic enough in court without having to deal with the media too xxxx sending big hugs ur ways xx and can say its usually over within a week xx I no that doesnt help right now xxxx


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 12:32amReport post

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Edited Tue August 9, 2022 4:22pm


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March 2022

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Posted Tue August 9, 2022 7:04amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 7:15amReport post

Hi Cornish Tea. - Once again another lady reaches out in pain - bless you my lovely.

As we say time after time the media are evil, and it's dreadful your son bring dragged in, that is not on......

Take a big big breath - this jouney is the pitts, with many many ups and downs, days will get easier I promise xxxx

Edited Tue August 9, 2022 7:15am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 2:49pmReport post


So sorry that it is in the media, straight for the jugular!

Please look after yourself, today's news will be old news tomorrow

I know how awful having been there when my sons case was printed and reported totally beyond belief

Hugs sent xx

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Posted Tue August 9, 2022 2:49pmReport post

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Edited Tue August 9, 2022 2:50pm

Polly Pocket

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May 2022

440 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 2:51pmReport post

Sending love to you.

I'm so sorry the media have had their day. It makes this journey all the more worse.



Member since
February 2022

95 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 11:55pmReport post


So sorry it's hit the media, whilst we don't sugar coat what's happened to us, we have to deal with the media twisting the truth so much it makes you so angry... how is it in the public interest to fabricate the facts.

When our case hit the media, I was catapulted back to the beginning, feeling emense anxiety etc. I reached out on here at the time, I was reassured that the paper would be binned and that the article online will move down the search engine daily and in time would become old news (although I know it will be there forever)

This feeling will pass, as you well know.

Keep going x x


Member since
December 2021

181 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 1:50amReport post

I think out of this whole business this is everyone's worst nightmare. I didn't even think about the media till we were on our way into court for the plea hearing and my husband warned me to watch out for anyone taking notes, I'm not sure that I made things worse as I noticed a guy sitting a few seats apart from myself and when I realised he was taking notes I asked him if he was the press, he answered yes and told me which newspaper he worked for. I protested to my husbands solicitor who had previously told me there were no press in court, the solicitor told me he could do nothing about it. Consequently that night and a month later after the hearing too, there wasn't just a massive write up but my husbands picture was splashed all over the centre pages of our local newspaper and the article was sold to other papers in our region (as well as Facebook and the internet). They were waiting outside court to take photos but we were well covered and thought they didn't catch any photos, unbeknown to us my husband had forgotten to delete an old LinkedIn account and those reporters must have had a field day when they found it with all his career history and photographs, needless to say they made sure he was exposed to everyone whether they knew him or not. The write up like most was totally sensationalised and full of garbage with lies and wrong information printed, I kept getting reassured by family and friends that it would be chip shop paper soon, at the time it happens it is horrific but if I can reassure you it does get easier with time, it took me a long time to face people and tell them to mind their own business as they didn't know the full story and I was not prepared to tell them. My husband has never read the article, both myself and my son were shocked to read the lies and I was so glad my son was in court with us both and heard the details there and not in a grubby newspaper. Since that first publication we have never bought a newspaper since and will not even buy one for someone else if they ask. It is absolutely appalling that the press are allowed to print the names and addresses of the convicted especially if there are vulnerable family members living there. The interesting thing was after this was all published my husbands police liaison officer told us both that he would be a priority for protection if we were to suffer any vigilante attacks because of the publication, surely this is a crime that could be avoided if details were not printed and the police would not have to be concerned with using their resources to protect us or anyone going through the same scenario.
I totally understand how you're feeling having been through this, some people are fortunate and don't have any press involvement, I like yourself was totally devastated, the most positive thing that happened as a result was we found out who our true family and friends are, my husband no longer has his life long friends and we no longer have contact with my brother and his family, however, we have people in our lives now who have shown magnificent strength and support to us both, I only regret at the time not checking myself if any other social media accounts were active, we thought all accounts had been deleted.
I feel your pain and anguish right now, it is still very raw for myself but I do want to reassure you this will pass and things get easier. We live this every day because we have been through it, whilst it may be gossip for some most other people have their own problems to deal with and won't give this a second thought after a week or so. I really don't know how these reporters asleep at night knowing they are not just badmouthing an offender but the innocent family who are trying to come to terms with an already horrendous situation.
Stay strong Cornish tea (lovely name too), look after yourself and your children. Love and virtual hugs. Xxx


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 6:01pmReport post

So sorry Cornish, it's just so cruel for the families. Defo contact paper again, tweet, email, phone and ask them to remove it due to mentioned your son! How low can they be!!

Can I ask was the press in court or was the sentence over 12 months? X


Member since
July 2022

13 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 10:04pmReport post

HI Cornish Tea,

I'm so sorry you are going through this. This happened to us 5 weeks ago and i was so incensed by the article that was written in my local paper, I contacted IPSO all i can say is don't bother , after initial contact i quickly realised they are only there to look after there own members interest ie protect publications

I can now say that without doubt IPSO are NOT independent

I was horrified, in completing IPSO's complaint form in order to complain about our story, to read that my contact details (including my address?!) could be passed to the newspaper. IPSO appears to be bullying people out of complaining in the first place. the only reasonable conclusion to draw is that in reality this 'watchdog' colludes with the newspapers it is supposed to regulate, in order to make it as difficult or risky as possible for decent people to bring reasonable complaints.

It’s pretty clear they are biased towards the press. No wonder there is an assault on freedom of speech when these clowns are the supposed guardians of truth and journalistic standard


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 9:20pmReport post

Thank you for the replies.

I complained to IPSO, but to be fair the article has been out there 4 days and probably reached it's maximum coverage. Crappy little local paper!

I wish that more could be done to protect the innocent in these scenarios.

Cornish Tea