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im so angry at myself

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Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 8:54pmReport post

7 years of being smoke free is now i the bag because im struggling to contain my depression and anxiety. I was contacted in April by the officer in charge telling me devices was slowly coming back and even though he hadn't looked at them at that moment in time, i should expect a charge. How can he detemine this when he hasn't even looked at the evidence? since then my head has been in a massive state. with him losing his job and us just liveing on my tax credits, then losing our family home of 10 years to having to fight like mad to get help to be rehoused by the council. i am not oficially ready to wave my white flag. I'm so frustrated! i have 3 girls 15,14 and 6 and their lives has also had to be put on hold (no sleepovers, no time alone with dad) yet there seems to be no urgency with the police to wrap this up.

we used to be happily married. our family was usually a strong unit. This stupid mistake had basically ruined our lives, ruined everything we built in all the years we was together. yet the app (kik) that made all this happen is still up and running even though the police and the app are fully aware that this app is being used for this kind of thing. If only he had checked the reviews of the app maybe he wouldn't have used it and we wouldn't be here now.

sorry for my rant, I needed to let go to people who can understand my frustration. it's been nearly a year and i'm no closer to getting my answers and closeure. How is this system fair when we (the partners and the children) are made to suffer as well?


Member since
July 2022

431 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 9:38pmReport post

Please do not be angry with yourself. You have had to endure so much. My vice is chocolate. Lost loads of weight and now it is going back on. Be kind to yourself. I cannot imagine what you have had to go through losing your home. my loving family unit is now destroyed. My kids who are adults but still live at home, do not speak to their dad, so there is an atmosphere in the house all the time. You are not alone in this.

If you have kicked the habit of smoking once then you will do it again when you are stronger. I am still relatively new to all of this but the only way I get up in the morning is to remind myself that one day things will get better in time. Xx


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Tue August 9, 2022 9:41pmReport post


Rant away, we have all been there and no exactly how u r feeling, its so hard on everyone kids and partners yet the men, ( some NOT ALL men seem to have no cares in the world ) I no they have the investigations over their heads but sometimes I think I'd rather that than wat we have to go through.

Sending u love and hugs xxxx


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 6:49amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 12:17amReport post

Thank you all. I knew you would all understand my frustration. As much as our family say they are here for me they always seem to say the wrong thing and I'd be left feeling worse about my smoking again. It's surprising how complete strangers seem to be able to give me so much support through what could be the 2nd worst experience of my life (1st being losing my dad). I will be sure to check them site out thank you Lost123. Sending hugs back out to you all x

Edited Thu August 11, 2022 12:18am

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 6:19amReport post

Hi Mumof3Girls /

i think during these times I hit the drink and painkillers - to get me through.....

it's levelled out now - although I do take painkillers occasionally in an attempt to keep me calm.

Like Web89 said you packed up the ciggies once - you can do it again. Don't be too hard on yourself xxxxx

Edited Thu August 11, 2022 6:22am