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Therapy for porn addiction

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Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 2:47amReport post

Okay sooo, long story short my partner was arrested for distribution of cat a, b, c and after alot of heart to hearts he has realised he has a porn addiction which has stemmed from abuse in his own childhood.

He has tried to seek therapy but has come against a brick wall because they have said that whilst there's an active case they can't help him as it would be interfering with a case.

Does anyone have any advice as to where he can look for help? Seems silly, if the aim is to avoid reoffending, that he can't get help until this is over.

Edit to add, are there therapists that work with offenders? How would he go about accessing this?

Edited Wed August 10, 2022 2:49am


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March 2022

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Posted Wed August 10, 2022 6:45amReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


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December 2021

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Posted Wed August 10, 2022 7:10amReport post

The therapist at Stop So are specialists in the fields relating to these specific offences but also many other things such as sexuality and porn / sex addiction.

My person had a therapist from the Laurel Centre (specialists in sex and porn addiction). He had this after he's been charged and they had no problem with this. I'm not sure if it makes a difference that he maintained his innocence on the charge because he thought it was just role play/ fantasy. The conversations he had with his therapist, I understand, didn't go into detail about the specific dialogue that took him to this place, there was PLENTY of other things for them to talk about.

As mentioned above Sex Addicts Anonymous and Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous are group session but the offence obviously could not be discussed.


Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 3:47amReport post

Thankyou everyone,

He contacted SAA today and is going to a meeting on Monday. I'm hopeful today.