Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 12:58pmReport post

Hi all, I'm not sure if this question has already been asked on the forum, apologies if people have already answered this.

I was just wondering how soon my partner would need to move out if we wanted to try and avoid my address being posted in media and his new one being posted instead.

I know that it's all up to the media and even if he does move they may still decide to post my address but even if there's a small chance they won't, we'll take it.

My partner would be moving a long way (about 3 hours) back to his family home. So would be completely out of the area.

does anyone know how soon he would need to move? His case has just been passed to CPS today but we've been told it will take a while as there's a big backlog.


Member since
May 2021

43 posts

Posted Wed August 10, 2022 10:29pmReport post

Hi A Complete Mess

My ex rented a room in old university rooms just before he went to the magistrates court. It was this address that was published in the paper, my adress was ok and so was his mums. Do be aware that if he goes back to his home address that will be published in the paper, they publish both the name and the full address. It missed the papers for the Crown court as this was when the jubilee was on.




Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 7:01amReport post

Thank you all for the advise!

My partners parents live in another country and around a 3 hour drive from us, the hope is that with him living that far away the media may not feel a need to post the story at all but if they still do they may not feel a need to post my adress. If all goes bad and they atill do the hope is that people won't take as much notice or start a witch hunt because he no longer lives anywhere near the area. My partner only moved here a few years ago and has always kept himself to himself so I don't think many people from the village would even recognise the name, let alone link it to him or myself but we don't want to risk it and are willing to do anything we can to minimise the chances of my address being posted. The hope is that after all of this is over he'll be able to move back here.


Member since
July 2021

125 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 7:58amReport post

I really don't want to scare you.
but despite many assurances from police who confirmed address had been updated, my address was listed.... full coverage. I wasn't targeted but complete humiliation due to offences.

Therefore plan for all eventualities, and I hope you have a better outcome than me.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Thu August 11, 2022 7:49pmReport post

Similar to what happened to nemesis, thankfully no press but the courts were for some reason under the impression my partner still lived at the address he was arrested at, despite he moved out on the same day and had not returned since....

I would recommend checking with the solicitor when it goes to court to ensure the CPS and courts have their facts rights. They also misquoted my partner's age and the charges had the wrong date of arrest.