Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2021

21 posts

Posted Fri August 12, 2022 1:34pmReport post

My partner's son was arrested last sept on bail whilst devices were searched. Basically, pics across all cats, and chats about what he had allegedly done to his half sister (our daughter),and what he would like to do to her. Chat specifically about sister. Posted treasured family pics of her and photographed her underwear.

Anyway, after the initial shock, heartbreak and total devastation, life resumed to a semblance of normal. We're getting married in Oct - a huge change to original plans, as only those who know about why son won't/can't be there, can come. We are genuinely happy, OH thought I wouldn't want the same surname as his son, thought I wouldn't want to marry him anymore. I was searching for some paperwork when I came across an old secondary school pic of son. We have 2 pics of him in the house, from when he was young, and they are out of sight, so this came out of the blue as I'd obviously forgotten about it. It has triggered me immensely - I just feel so sad and hurt again, crying every time I'm alone, angry that he's put us in this awful position, devastated for my OH, who would have had his son as best man.

Sorry, I've rambled on. I just feel overwhelmed all over again. Xx


Member since
July 2021

98 posts

Posted Fri August 12, 2022 2:11pmReport post

Hi JSR74,

I can totally empathise with how you are feeling.

Similarly, there is a picture in our home which I have hidden away. The circumstances around it are to traumatic for me to be reminded everyday so I hid it away. Same as you, I stumbled upon it when searching for some old bits and bobs, forgetting it was there. It was an instant punch to my stomach. If you don't mind me saying, you had probably suppressed the situation in an attempt to move forward but for me, I realised I hadnt accepted reality.

I would definitely suggest some selfcare, doing the things you love and discussing it with your partner if you haven't already. Have you also sort professional counselling?

Unfortunately these little setbacks will always appear from time to time but they do get easier. X

Edited Fri August 12, 2022 2:13pm