Family and Friends Forum

Independent assessment

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Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Fri August 12, 2022 9:22pmReport post


I was just wondering if anyone had got an independent assessment done for their situation with social services? Did it work?

thanks x


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Fri August 12, 2022 11:54pmReport post

Hi there. For my partner he had one done for the family courts (seeking supervised visitation in a contact centre setting). If you are going down a private assessment route get SS to set the criteria and make sure it is ear what they want.

My partner wasted 2.5k on an assessment because CAFCASS and the courts were too vauge and when it was reviewed they didn't like it- even though the judge chose the assessor but then argued later they were not qualified enough....