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I'm divorcing my husband and I'm scared

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Member since
July 2022

6 posts

Posted Mon August 15, 2022 4:42pmReport post

I've made the decision to leave my husband. Not just because of the offence but for a range of other issues that i didn't notice until i asked him to leave.

I feel guilty for leaving him because I know he's struggling with it all. But I can't condone his actions - he was cheating on me for 2 years using kik and married me knowing what he was doing.

I'm scared about the future - both mine and his. I have to see if I can afford to keep my house and going through the divorce as well as waiting for devices to be looked into and sentencing.

I feel so broken and lost and scared. I'm in therapy and I'm getting help from my doctors but I just feel defeated.


Member since
March 2022

965 posts

Posted Mon August 15, 2022 5:07pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am


Member since
May 2021

61 posts

Posted Mon August 15, 2022 5:20pmReport post

Hello. I am no longer with my ex partner. I can't give much advice apart from to say that you have nothing to feel guilty about. Took me a long time to come to terms with that. It didn't seem right to not be supporting him but once I'd accepted that no matter the reasons ( and I never got an explanation) that I could never ever trust him again it became easier. Once I saw the complete damage his lies did to my teen I realised I would never be able to have him in my life.

I felt like I'd lost an arm and couldn't function for a long time but I survived and so will you.

The only good reason to stay is because you want to and not out of guilt or obligation or because they have no-one else for support.

Sending hugs x


Member since
September 2022

216 posts

Posted Fri September 16, 2022 1:49amReport post

Hello Anxietyknocks,

do you mind me asking what you meant by your husband cheated on you using the kik app? I have just found out that my partner has been accused of using the app to access and upload iioc. He has confessed to using kik to watch porn. I am in the dark because I don't know anything about this app and never heard of it until recently. Thank you x