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Conviction declaration for jobs

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Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Tue August 16, 2022 10:14pmReport post

Has anyone filled one in, being totally honest and managed to get the job? OH mortified that he may have to talk about it in interview. I also wonder if the interview panal will keep it confidential, I know they are supposed to but .....

He's read the advice on unlock it is very personal, stuff I wouldn't just tell anyone but legally he has to disclose.

NB these jobs won't require full DBS and no u18s are employed

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

943 posts

Posted Wed August 17, 2022 8:09amReport post


My person has disclosed more times than I can count due to his po telling him he had to disclose at interview stage even if they didn't ask or do dbs. He hasn't managed to get a job yet but has managed to make his po see sense in terms of disclosure.
I have responded because I wanted to reassure you and your oh that it won't be a long conversation, all he has to give is what the charge and outcome was. My person has also told some people about the work he has done and is continuing to do on himself. He has had some very understanding people but ultimately the boards of directors made the decisions. He's currently on a work trial so fingers crossed for Friday when he should find out.

Good luck to you both xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed August 17, 2022 9:32amReport post

My partner didn't have many interviews to get this job but there was one where in his second interview where it came up in convo and he disclosed and they politely declined and terminated the interview. Thankfully it was with just one person doing the interview.

I personally never had an interview where being asked, so I would be surprised if it comes up. I would think if a company needed to know upfront it would be during the application. Tho I guess it depends on the type of company and their hiring process.

If your OH does get through to a job offer without being asked he will need to check the contract before signing anything, that would be the last point really to see if disclosure is needed.

Perhaps if he is asked he could say he has a conviction and then ask the panel or interviewer if the company does employ people with convictions and if they say they have an outright policy to not hire anyone with a conviihe could say he is not comfortable to say what the conviction is and thank them for their time. If they say it depends on the conviction then he would need to disclose.

It is very daunting but there are jobs out there. The difficulty my partner has is tho he has got a good paid job he feels trapped. He would like to move in as the job is too tedious for him, but he doesn't want to go through the stress again.


Member since
June 2021

23 posts

Posted Wed August 17, 2022 3:33pmReport post

Currently stressed about this situation too. My OH recently lost his benefits after moving in with me. He has volunteered for years since leaving prison and coped fine on his own on benefits, but now is desperate to find paid work to help our finances as I cover everything alone now. He use to contribute most of his benefits to help out as much as he could. However he's so scared about possibly needing to disclose if asked at interview and opening himself up to new people and new situations. It's makes me so sad as he'd be so good at so many jobs with people now he's such a different person, but ultimately he'll be very limited to what he can even think of applying for. I'm guessing things like warehouse work, night shifts stacking, possibly some driving jobs? Id love to hear of any success stories on here. I have asked to increase hours at my own work myself to help cover rising costs now for both of us, but I do really worry for us financially if he can't find paid employment. (He's also just gone down the route of changing his name so if he does get work hopefully there's less chance of people googling him and finding anything about his past)

Edited Wed August 17, 2022 3:34pm


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Wed August 17, 2022 6:36pmReport post

Thanks for your replies.
oh lost his job (sacked) before sentencing. He managed to get another job a month after sentencing and nothing was asked re convictions. It's good money but I think he finds it tedious. I am just glad someone gave him a chance. Another company he previously interviewed for has asked him to re-apply and has date for interview, but this time it's official through their recruitment team and had to fill in a declaration where he has disclosed. If I was an employer who hadn't been in my situation i would probably run a mile when I read it. Was just wondering if anyone had fully disclosed and still managed to get job x

on a positive note ladies, he did get this current job post sentencing and didn't have to disclose, he said he left his last job for personal reasons and no questions asked x


Member since
June 2021

23 posts

Posted Thu August 18, 2022 12:43pmReport post

Jay Jay, do you mind me asking what sort of job he managed to get, what sort on employer? Those that didn't ask about anything?


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Thu August 18, 2022 7:03pmReport post

My partner lost his job post sentencing as his employment contract stated he had to tell them once he had a conviction. But tbh it was making him miserable and it was better he left.
he's now retraining as a HGV driver, and seems happy.
Through his probation worker he's written a disclosure letter for jobs in future, and their advice was to note it's a conviction under section 20.etc rather than state what it was in simple terms.
in her experience she said many don't look it up and just note it. How true that is I don't know but thought I would share x


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Thu August 18, 2022 8:11pmReport post

Hi Iris, it was an engineering company all men. I do know that there is an ex offender works in my friends factory too, he has actually been to prison for a contact offence and was in the paper x