Family and Friends Forum

reaching out

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Member since
August 2022

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Posted Sun August 21, 2022 1:53pmReport post

I'm new hear, not been able to reach out before now, I have been happily married for 17 years my husband got taken from our home and videoed love by a hunter group in January this year, he has been under the crisis team for a couple of months and is still struggling now, he was arrested and now released under investigation we haven't herd anything since. I'm a broken women we have two teenage girls who i'm trying my best to take care of and protect, I feel like a bad person because i still love my husband and understand how he got in this mess ( he was abused as a child ) I hate everything about it but i can't walk away from him, my parents hate him so i'm stuck in the middle. Am i a bad person and am i stupid to think i can get my husband back?

Edited by moderator Mon August 22, 2022 9:28am


Member since
August 2022

74 posts

Posted Wed August 31, 2022 5:40pmReport post

I'm sorry, but I'm not much use to you.......I got thrown into this ruddy mess today!!

All I can send is big hugs to you and hope things turn out for the best xx


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March 2022

965 posts

Posted Wed August 31, 2022 8:20pmReport post

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Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12am

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2359 posts

Posted Wed August 31, 2022 8:34pmReport post


Well done for reaching out and I am so sorry you find yourself here x

I hope the crisis team are helping your hubby

It's a horrendous situation to be in but there is help and support here

Only you can decide on what you want to do and if you choose to stay and support like you have done then do what is right for you all

These emotions are normal but you need to take time for you also

Sending hugs xx


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Thu September 1, 2022 7:43pmReport post

You are in a safe group here, we all have differing stories some with vigilantes and other with viewing of images.

it's early days and very tough and I won't lie there is a long road ahead. Nothing ever moves fast in the legal system.

Many of us have stayed with our husbands/partners and it is no one's business although there are people who will judge your decision.

My husbands sentencing was a month ago and life is ok and we are still adjusting to all the restrictions.

We all understand the highs and lows

Cornish Tea xx