Family and Friends Forum

Bail extention

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Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Okay so long story short my baby's dad was arrested on 6th Jan for iioc and sexual communications with an officer he believed to be a child.

He was bailed til Feb and couldn't come home as we have a child.

Then he was bailed til April, he could come home but couldn't have any unsupervised access.

Then it was extended to October, same conditions. Only supervised access with someone who knows the nature of his case.

My question is this: once October comes are they likely to extend it again? Can they just extend his bail indefinitely? If it goes on for several years before court will be be on bail that entire time?

If it makes a difference, social services closed their case citing that they were satisfied he wasn't likely a danger to our son and that I was a protective factor.

I honestly feel the police have forgotten about him. Ofcourse they haven't, but it's frustrating when I'm basically having to be a single parent. (of course I'd rather this than him be living somewhere else, but it's damn frustrating!)

Posted Sun August 21, 2022 4:46pmReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

I believe they can keep extending for a year then they have to charge him or release under investigation (RUI). My son is in this position and is what we've been told. I am also led to believe that if RUI then there are no conditions to it. I hope this is the case and someone can confirm if that's right

Posted Sun August 21, 2022 5:38pmReport post


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April 2021

644 posts

My person still on bail 17 months down the line, barrister trying to ask them about it but keeps getting stonewalled.

Posted Sun August 21, 2022 9:30pmReport post


Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Okay, thankyou very much! So potentially til January, and then rui then?

That give me some hope atleast.

Posted Sun August 21, 2022 9:34pmReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

My sons year is up shortly so I'll let you know what happens. Xx

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 9:59amReport post


Member since
July 2022

32 posts

Thankyou Mandy, that would be great if you could

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 11:52amReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

Well my sons year is up and we had been told that bail could only be extended for a year then had to be RUI if not ready to charge. Well today he's been told by the police it's been extended yet again till 23rd December when they think they will be in a position to charge him then. So my question is how can they extend bail beyond a year and how do they know they will be able to charge him then.

Posted Wed September 21, 2022 5:53pmReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

So the fact they didn't just RUI, would that give you the impression they have checked his phone now (even though they said they haven't yet) and that they are hoping to have evidence within the next few months to send to cps. Sorry with all the questions. My mind is racing again and anxiety out of the window again.

Posted Wed September 21, 2022 9:47pmReport post


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March 2022

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Posted Thu September 22, 2022 5:53am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

At what point do we get to know what they are charging him with. Is he told before it is sent to cps. Sorry for all the questions I just don't understand the system at all

Posted Thu September 22, 2022 11:48amReport post

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