Family and Friends Forum

Devices coming back

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Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 6:39amReport post

Does anyone know roughly how long it takes to get devices back? My partner had his second Intweview almost 2 weeks ago and they confirmed it was only images on his phone and everything was now being sent over to CPS but we haven't heard anything about having our other devices back? Does anyone know how long this could take?


Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 10:54amReport post

Hi Lee, thank you for getting back to me. That's awful that you haven't revived your devices back! They're your property!

They took two of my partners devices (His phone is where the images were so that will be destroyed) one device of mine and another family members decide.

i don't remember being given a receipt to be honest but that might just be because of the shock of everything going on, will have to have a look if it's with all of the other documents we've been given

Thank you for your advice though! Xx

Edited Mon August 22, 2022 10:55am


Member since
April 2021

140 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 2:00pmReport post

We are four months post sentencing and have just had a letter stating we an collect items. However, they've conveniently forgotten a £6k computer that was noted as clean by CPS. Currently chasing for it and getting NOWHERE with police.


Member since
August 2019

91 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 4:17pmReport post

We are 4 years post knock and have not had any devices back!
2 of them were the children's iPads. Nothing was found on either of them.

Cornish Tea


Member since
February 2022

57 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 4:44pmReport post

Thank you all for your responses. I feel for all of you, we have to go through enough during this journey, then still having to chase for your possessions aftwards is honestly ridiculous.

At least I know we've likely got a long wait for the devices back, I know what to expect now. Will definitely keep chasing it as they took my partners gaming laptop too which is worth a few thousand and advised nothing was found on it.

I hope you all get somewhere with getting your devices back soon. Fingers crossed for you all xx


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Tue August 23, 2022 12:01pmReport post

We had 27 items taken (including a scarf they said was a "balaclava". Why I do not know!!!
Hubby will be sentenced next week. As yet nothing returned but we know they have applied to have one device (Hubbys phone) destroyed (despite nothing being found on it...).
Once it's all done next week I'll start asking for stuff back. I'll update.


Member since
April 2021

18 posts

Posted Tue August 23, 2022 7:46pmReport post

My Dads laptop was sent for destruction by the crown court. I am not too sure what happened to the other devices.

Life feels over

Member since
September 2022

412 posts

Posted Tue September 6, 2022 12:49amReport post

We are over a year into this nightmare journey and still do not have a list of items taken. The attending police stated that they would forward one to me as I was present in our home when they came. It's never happened.