Family and Friends Forum


Member since
June 2022

326 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 8:10amReport post

Am I alone in feeling like as the partner of the offender, we are the ones who are punished more. We are one who over night become single parents, we are the one who have to prove ourselves to SS and if we decide to support our OH we are the ones who have to justify it to our nearest & dearest.

Meanwhile hubby is living alone just looking after himself, lots of self care & therapy....... I'm even still doing his washing because he doesn't have a washing machine. And the only contact he has with SS is what he chooses to have.

We all deserve medals........ and Gin...... lots of gin!


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 9:10amReport post


Absolutely know how you feel. I didn't become a single parent. I was pregnant at the time and my hubby hasn't had to leave the house.
But I had to go on a special course to learn all about offending and how to safeguard - that was basically a 12 week course to beat me up and check I would be protective.
Hubby is sentenced next week though and that could all change and I could become a single parent. Trying to keep us fed and sheltered and financially stable is going to be basically impossible on my own.
Since baby girl was born - almost a year ago now - I've had to do everything. No help with nappies. No days off until she started childcare. No being able to pop out on my own. It's exhausting

I definitely feel we are pushined too. Though I don't pretend it's no punishment and plain sailing for our partners either. They have to live with the stigma potentially be taken from their children and home.

Basically it just sucks all around.

Edited Mon August 22, 2022 9:13am


Member since
June 2021

435 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 9:34amReport post

So glad I'm not alone in this feeling. The feeling of being a single parent when the kids have a dad that wants to be there but not allowed. Having a husband that your sticking by but also feeling single after many years of always having them there.The sleepless nights from either the kids waking a number of times or just up thinking about everything. And social services making you feel like a rubbish mom when the kids we're perfectly fine before finding out about all of this

We can do this ladies and prove them all wrong xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 9:48amReport post

I feel the same :( I didn't want a broken home for my children no money ect let alone restrictions and upset. Im over whelmed with the chores the not one second peace . We have always shared the load and especially with childcare I think he did more than we while I worked ect always had nights out friends round ect . Somtimes I think I can't do this or I don't want to . And I do feel somtimes like he goes to his flat so lucky to have spare time and wat h films ect . But then I think no he's suffering more because it's all about him it's him people will hate that can't walk the street it's him that has to panic in everyday life . As much as my life has been affected it's nothing compared to his. And he would do anything to be at home doing everything . When I complain about the children and the dog and the chores he's so guilty and I also feel like I can't complain to much because he would love to be in position being with the children day and night it never seemed to bother him . I hope we can all make it through this and find some happiness because it's bloody arwfull. I'm not sure I'm ready for the next step . I'm not sure I'm ready to move or anything . Everyday I wake up with a new senerio in my head of horror xxx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 9:52amReport post

Social services are somthing I could moan about for hours I can not believe they rock up them don't contact for months on end . They don't know me or help me or the children . There's no help in this journey . Police are vile and noone cares about the innocent people affected by this journey . Love this forum but I'm not normally one for typing online and the fact I've have to Google help and talk to strangers in the same boat as me it's great and everyone has helped me but so strange that I have to come to this xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 10:28amReport post

Yep I totally get it. We have no children together, but we lived together, split the bills etc so, with cost of living etc it's been really really tough. I used to think he had it easy too, but I do know he'd do anything at all to go back and undo his crime. He's absolutely noone, but thrn I think he out himself in that position. I've to lie to everyone and keep on pretending, I'm dreading sentencing, media etc as he's moved away, I'm still here. It's a constant worry and so u fair. In fact the police officer saud to me when he was arrested, 'go get a bottle of wine and a Chinese, watch Britains got talent and forget about this' haha like howwwe.????? I got offered no support and fiubd this forem myself through Google.

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

943 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 11:16amReport post

Hi all,

Can absolutely relate to all of your experiences. We are eighteen months post sentencing. He lives with his parents and we've recently had it agreed for me to supervise contact anywhere but as my older children don't want anything to do with him that has to be outside of my home until they go back to education in September. I'm currently watching a very active toddler doing stunts that would make Johnny Knoxville look tame lol. I struggle to get any housework done during the day and once she's in bed I am exhausted and desperate for some time to myself. I'm studying for a diploma to allow me to provide financial security for myself and my children, trying to meet my childrens needs, support my partner and work on myself and our relationship. He hasn't been here for most firsts and I know he is devastated that he's missing out. I flit between feeling sorry for him to feeling sorry for myself. The anger has subsided and I do feel more positive for the future but sometimes it feels like forever before we are at a point where he can support me in the way a partner should xx