Family and Friends Forum

New place, first probation meeting with new team

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Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 8:24pmReport post


Haven't been on in a while as I am moving on with life.

Had a suddenly shock today with new Mappa team visiting during dinner ... They were nice but seemed a little too questiony for my taste. They searched my partners phone, a voluntary measure he said he would do each time because he does not have anything in place that requires it be monitored. They saw all of his naked photos, my naked photos... It's kinda sucks but oh well.

Question: He's on the register but still apparently they have to notify anyone if he attends any occasion where there could be children. He has no SHPO in place which they seemed a little shocked about. Why do they need to do this. My whole family know anyway but that's not what's written on the register. It's only if he's planning to spend than more 12 hours with a child...

Why ?


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 8:54pmReport post

Blackhound - it seems that most of these people make up their own rules! There shouldn't be any reason for him to need to do that as it's not a notification requirement and sounds like there is no SHPO restriction in place. You can always give unlock a ring and see what their take on it is.

Did they give examples of what sort of places / events they were referring to? Because that could include going to the supermarket!

I did find that with my husbands first meeting that he went in a little heavy handed, almost like he was trying to tell us about people who had ended up breaching the SOR / SHPO unintentionally as a way to re-enforce that this stuff should not be taken lightly. I know that my husbands does like to be kept informed if we go away, even if notification is not required. I did ask about going to weddings / funerals etc and the only advice we were given was for me to stay with him / wait outside if he went to the bathroom so to minimise any risk of complaint against him. Co-operating / over communicating with them / being transparent can definitely count in your favour as it does show you aren't attempting to hide things.

I found it really helpful to keep a list of questions for their next visit. Mine included some very specific scenarios, like what I should do if a friend randomly turned up on the doorstep with their kids / we bump into someone on the street, do we have to ignore them or is a brief hello a problem.

If you have a lot of unanswered questions, you could ask from them to do a return visit. They should be welcoming questions from yourselves as it shows that you are taking this seriously.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Mon August 22, 2022 10:56pmReport post

Aren't MAPPA like a third party organisation with a contract with the government? I don't think they have any legal authority to be checking or suggesting things which haven't been set out in law by SHPO. I may be wrong but just double check. How intrusive, I'm so sorry you have to go through this! Xx

I was just having a quick check of my routine checking in whilst my partner nipped to the shop, I've found this but he's come back so haven't got time to check it out, could be worthwhile having a read to see what they're actually allowed to do & taking it further if they've overstepped the boundaries xx

Edited Mon August 22, 2022 10:59pm


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Tue August 23, 2022 9:40pmReport post


RE your 'question' I'm in the same boat and wonder exactly the same. SHPO is internet only based restrictions nothing contact related, SOR says to notify them re contact with a child for 12+ hours yet he has been verbally told that can't come bowling with me and my nephew without notifying them beforehand - I don't get it? I've went through everything to see if I've missed anything and can't find it anywhere that it says this. His MUSAVO officer is useless I've asked him for a list of what us isn't allowed to do, he ignores our calls and emails.
so is he allowed in a park? Near a school? A trampoline park? Even though no contact restrictions it's like he doesn't dare leave the house in case he bumps into a child!