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One week today

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Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 10:13amReport post

So, hubby is being sentenced this time next week. 2 counts attempted communication and 2 counts attempting to engage in sexual activity in the presence of a child. Decoys. Video chats didn't connect.

I am an anxious wreck.

Trying to make sure we are prepared. We have a bag packed, got to put some cash in there but other than that it's ready.
we have character witness letters, letters from LF, letter from therapist and a letter from safer lives.
Hubby is going to write his accountability letter today - any advise on what to say/not say?
PSR hasn't yet been received by solicitor (it's been a nightmare). Solicitors have prepared his defence statement.
we have the draft SHPO. Going to challenge the restrictions around unsupervised around children. Other than that it's just internet history.

Anything else I should be doing?
We are going to make sure I have all bank passwords and other passwords ect. And record some bedtime stories for our little girl. It's her birthday 15th September too so I'm going to get him to write in her card.

This. Sucks.


Member since
June 2022

152 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 10:55amReport post

Oh yes, it really does suck. Wishing you the best possible outcome for all.

I am a few weeks behind you - mag court next week with crown court to follow. Charges are images in all categories, and communication with an adult making arrangements to abuse a child. I believe his explanation that this was of many online conversations he had on a range of extreme and taboo subjects, and am confident he never intended to and would never ever harm a child but that's limited comfort given the world of pain his appalling behaviour has caused. You sound extremely organised - I can relate to the need to have at least some level of control of this tornado of horror. Can I ask about your letter from Safer Lives. My person has completed the course and end-of-course document, but he hasn't had a letter from SL. Is there something specific he should ask for? As ever any nuggets of advice welcome as we navigate this complex, challenging and terrifying new world.

I will also be buying birthday cards for the next two years' birthdays for our kids for him to write so they are ready - I can't see how he will avoid going away. Thank you.

Edited Thu August 25, 2022 10:58am


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 12:40pmReport post


Our magistrates court was beginning of May. We have had so many delays!

Im a project manager so being organised is in my nature haha but it helps me to stay calm.

With the letter from Safer lives. It's amazing. But it cost an extra £300. For us it was worth it as social services have also said that it counts for them as proof of his work and that they are really happy with that.

I want to avoid doing more than one birthday card....

I just have to keep everything crossed it's suspended but it's terrifying.


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 1:00pmReport post

I'd also make sure you have logins to emails and phone. Companies often upgrade security features and use these to verify logins.

Re birthday cards. I believe they can order them inside.

I wish you all the best for sentencing. It's so very very hard and I can't imagine how much harder it is with a little one too.

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 1:13pmReport post


I just wanted to say I'm thinking of you - you're an incredible lady. The organisation is impressive!!

Hoping for the best possible outcome for you.x


Member since
May 2021

199 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 3:27pmReport post


yes I think they can too but I suspect everything wouldn't be set up and contact agreed that quickly so I'm hoping to just do one birthday card as it's so soon after sentencing. Her first birthday. Obviously I hope we don't need it.

thank you all. I don't feel particularly organised at the moment. I feel all out of sorts. I have no idea how we will cope at all if he goes into prison. Financially or emotionally.

Anyones paetners done accountability letters recently and have advise?


Member since
June 2022

326 posts

Posted Thu August 25, 2022 5:15pmReport post


Good luck for next week. I really admire you ladies who have been dealing with this for so long.

Can I ask, did you OH do the Safer Lives course as well as the Inform Plus or just Safer Lives?

I'm a bit confused as to which one is best or are they different. My OH is currently working through the modules as well as seeing a therapist which was referred through Stop SO.