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Post prison update

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Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sat August 27, 2022 2:30pmReport post

Now 3 months post husband (separated) release from prison. He has now moved into a flat, which he found himself through estate agents, and which was approved by probation etc. his next objective is to find a job.

We are now moving forward to formal separation and divorce. I had a meeting this week with a solicitor and found I was, again, very ignorant of legal aspects, I thought if we sorted out ourselves what we agreed on that we could just sign something and move forward, however I have discovered that we need court documents re finance separation! Even if we agree, which we do, courts have to sign off. Process can take 6 months, and a few thousand £’s!

I was shocked to learn that there is no time limit for former couples to apply for financial settlements after divorce without this, so could leave self/selves vulnerable for decades! As either one of us could decide we need more! If one of us remarries, that means that would no longer be permitted, but by the married partner only…..a way for legal system to make yet more money! Seems sad as we could have a simple amicable divorce! Will be easier if we’re amicable as negotiation and court would really increase the costs!

So now I have to get everything valued etc etc. Also we need to get advice from accountant re capital gains as we have lived apart and therefore do not have rights of a married couple when passing assets to the other. I do hope that our situation can be taken into consideration as there was no way we could have lived together due to vigilantes, unpleasant members of his family, prison etc!!!

I’m having to take a deep breath, as again, it seems to fall into me to move this forward!

I just want this to be over, I’m now 3 years into this horrendous journey. I get to a point where I stabilise, then something comes along and knocks me……but I recover quickly now!

Thinking of you all, at whatever stage you’re at. xxxx

Edited Sat August 27, 2022 2:31pm

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

943 posts

Posted Sat August 27, 2022 3:22pmReport post


It is possible to do it for around £600. Look at I did mine myself when divorcing (not in these circumstances but I don't think it matters). We had already agreed on everything and sold the house etc. We didn't have much in the way of assets anyway but I think the solicitor is just taking advantage of you. If you are in agreement of everything the financial order costs £53. Good luck xx


Member since
November 2019

501 posts

Posted Sat August 27, 2022 4:31pmReport post

Thank you! That's useful to know! I'll have a look at the website! I don't trust solicitors too much now, I think you're right, they take advantage. xxx


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Sun August 28, 2022 10:25amReport post

Hi Tabs,

While our situations are very different, very grateful for the insights you provide, particularly post sentencing.

I'm glad someone has posted some advise on a low cost divorce and I hope you find an accountant that is able to help with capital gains. The ripple effects continue and we find ourselves having to navigate situations we never thought we'd find ourselves in.

I am glad you are both in agreement as to what should happen, this must make things easier.