Family and Friends Forum

Close to giving up

Member since
July 2022

21 posts

Posted Wed August 31, 2022 10:23amReport post

How is it right, my son at 18 had the knock for indecent images last October. When they spoke to him that morning he admitted to masterbating to pornographic images in the total shock of it all he didn't realise they meant children. His devices were seized but no arrest. The arresting officer said he had been distributing images and that's how they caught him. My son has said from day 1 he never shared anything. He had clicked on a link on telegram that took him to a site that had videos of girls he thought would be 16+ but didnt watch anything then a couple of weeks later found a hidden folder in his college storage app on his phone and quickly deleted it. He said he never looked for anything never tried to find children but it must of came from the link. Fast forward to voluntary interview in april Cat A 44 B 63 and C 35 of teenage girls possibly 13-15 confirmed he had no search history looking for children, no distribution, no contact just a folder that had been downloaded as a mass download at the same time. Then Magistrates happened and they upped Cat A to 88 but the other 2 the same and changed age to 10-15 year olds and gave a description of video of 10 and 4 year old my son was mortified. He plead guilty in the hopes of lesser charges but now we are waiting for a crown date and it doesn't matter if he watched anything the police only need to prove he had them on his phone to be prosecuted.

I had a little doubt in my mind over it all but after the solicitor confirmed everything my son said I feel awful, awful that I doubted him, awful that he has to go through this and be treated like a predator because they won't even look to see if he watched them. Everything else proves he wasn't searching for it. Solicitor said it would be the best part of £15,000 to find someone to prove he never watched them but could still be charged with deleting them and not reporting it to police but here's the catch if he did report it to the police he still would of been highly likely to face charges.

How can it be fair, he was adamant through it all he never wanted a solicitor, he hadn't done anything so therefore thought it would be proved and it has but the images were there watched or not. I hate myself, I should of made him get a solicitor. The only reason he did on the day of Magistrates was because it kicked in how real it all was.

The likely hood of it going in the local paper is 99% and they won't report everything they will only report he has been charged for iioc and not the story behind it.

Close to giving up

Member since
July 2022

21 posts

Posted Wed August 31, 2022 1:42pmReport post

Thank you, we have a solicitor now and he didn't get legal aid as he has a decent wage and no real outgoings as he lives with us so no rent or utilities to pay for. I contacted 6 firms 4 of those that specialise in this type of stuff and after 3 maybe 4 calls to them we have still heard nothing about representation but that is where I got the £15,000 from.

The solicitor we have has said it's a very hard situation as he has to go along with it all now that a guilty plea has been given.