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Bad few days

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Member since
June 2022

326 posts

Posted Thu September 1, 2022 8:36pmReport post

I am feeling so low at the moment.

I had my last day at work yesterday before I start uni in a few weeks. It should be an exciting time but it's just made me feel so lonely. No one at work knew my situation but it was a place I could escape to and pretend life is OK. The kids go back to school next week too, I'm so nervous. Dreading them telling their friends that daddy doesn't live at home anymore then getting the questions about my failed marriage from the school gate mums. Pitying smiles from the safeguarding teachers at the school.

SW visit this week and I was told to expect to be told that I can't supervise contact at all, even though contact is outside of the house. Our SW seems satisfied with what she sees but apparently the chairperson of our case is a bit of a tyrant.

Throw in my mum pointing out an article in the Daily Mail about a woman who had her children taken off her by social services for no good reason........ I needed that like a hole in the head!!!!!

Anyone else feel like they are just living their best life right now?!?!?! ...... bring me the GIN!


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Thu September 1, 2022 8:55pmReport post

Aww sorry you feel that way somtimes it's so hard . I loved the escape at work . Somehow noone knows my partner doesn't stay at night my daughter thinks he's at work but does question how he only is off work for 2 hours and works day and night . It baffels me how social can be so different . My social worker was strange I must say she came first time becaus ethe police sent her with an officer becaus ethey had a picture off my daughter alone in the car with my partner that wasn't true . (Still to this day an waiting for the picture and the day and time so I can prove I would of been in the back with the baby) second time she wa alike woooo new plant that's nice wasn't here when I came last . She told me to tell family and that my mum needed to supervise ect and when I give birth I can't be supervising the visits I will fall asleep ect . I sed no way my mum wouldn't do it shes a full time carer for family and if I'm tired I'll tell him to leave . I sed anyone supervising will be harder for me to keep my daughter in the same room she will be excited running about or confused why there is other ppl here . I took my living room door off and sed thats so I can see if she runs through to the kitchen ect my partner was in bits crying and she didn't really know what to do she said he needs a time out in the other room is he okay . I think it's so hard to judge these ppl and not sure what they want . So be firm and tell them your more than capable . I am aloud to supervise . But she said he will never be able to be alone untill there 16/18 and it's a good job the baby hasn't got a bond yet (because I was pregnant) but he has a bond now and they can all do one . I have tried to call her text ect no reply . She did say she was moving area so I asume when he appears in court there will be a new social worker at the door hope she's okay . I often spend sleepless nights thinking about others and there comments and thoughts then think we're are they now they don't know we and are not my friends so screw them. Keep your head held high. I pay for brekfast club eveen though I live 2 mins from the school but it's helpful I can pop her in anytime within the hour which helps with the baby and I don't have to stand at the gates with the other mums . I'm not sure if that's something you can do but it helps me if I had more money I wud do the after school club so I don't need to stand there at 3 aswel xxx