Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Sat September 3, 2022 8:11pmReport post

I found out the local neighborhood when it all kicked off about 10 weeks ago ALSO screenshot red my FB and named and shamed me and my partner in the local community FB groups, rumours even abounding they were organising a mob of people to get rid of it and attack us.

Tey also garnered signatures for a 'petition' (laughing face) to remove us from the street.

3 images people. 3.

I'm struggling the let go of the anger these people generate within me.


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 9:51amReport post

Sorry to hear that hope your okay . I'm not sure why people feel the need to get involed . When I read the things they say about offenders it's just horrible . It scares me of what we have to come . Are you still living in the address? Hopefully it's just keyboard worriers and noone would do such a thing . Xx


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 12:08pmReport post

Thank you I'm a worrier at the best of times eveen before this . I think it's worse for me at the moment because noone knows at all so it's all down to the media for me at the moment in regards to not only everyone knowing but me having to call all my family. Ino it's proberly not best but I am just hoping my parents never have to know as they wouldn't cope well and I don't want the last year's of there lives affected xx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 12:36pmReport post

I really wish once a court date is set that there is some sort of support for partners and family to 'be prepare' for community backlash. You get a leaflet at the knock (I think most do) but then that's it- I had no support as I didn't know about this forum until after sentencing.

In hindsight I should have locked down my social media, it was on private anyway but I worry about people I am friends with and I had not thought about screenshots etc. Thankfully my partner's case didn't go to the media but I don't know what I would have done if it did.

It still worries me today because what if others do find out? It is something that will hang over us for the rest of lives. More support is needed for the loved ones of offenders.

Thankfully majority are keyboard warriors and is yesterdays news. I keep thinking about getting additional security but I'm bitter about having to pay for it. Also I wonder if we had CCTV and extra security it would make us a target (as in people wonder what we are hiding - for example valuable goods).


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 10:53pmReport post

Hey all,

We have moved away yes, but occasionally I have to go back once a week to collect letters and such. They're unfortunately not keyboard warriors in that area... They would have genuinely done it had the police not been there twice over.

Which is why as Lee said Xxx, this was very very rare. Even the police officers said it was rare. The area that we lived in was council estate and the people there were... Nasty nasty people. They are act first and think never.

Majestic you're right, there should be some support system, especially one that warns you remove your social presence. I am back online, I've done A cull of people whom I actually don't want in my life anymore anyways...

I just find that it's very difficult for me to let things go, especially when I feel unhappy with my life. It's total victim mentatily and it's not healthy, it's something I'll be bringing up with my therapist because it's really taking its toll on me.

Edited by moderator Mon September 5, 2022 1:31pm

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Mon September 5, 2022 4:04amReport post

Yes it's quite easy to re-direct post. You can organise it in different time spans .... say 6 months, 12 months etc..... doesn't cost a lot....

Edited Mon September 5, 2022 4:05am


Member since
October 2020

479 posts

Posted Mon September 5, 2022 10:48amReport post

We cannot afford it unfortunately, although I suppose I need to find the money...

I'm going to see if I can find the money and maybe apply for a mortgage holiday as well saving a bit more...

Thanks all...


Member since
September 2022

4 posts

Posted Thu September 15, 2022 6:44pmReport post

It costs around £30 to get a redirect on your post for 3 months, I had to do it recently. I'm really sorry you've had to go through all of that Blackhound, it sounds terrifying. I hope you are in a safer place now.