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A year ago since knock and still no progress

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Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 9:48pmReport post

Today marks a year since the knock, I find myself just crying all day like I did a year ago. How daft is that?
im so angry that this has been dragged on for so long when you hear others are getting their cases done and dusted sooner.
ive lost myself because of this and feel I can't bring myself back until this is finished and I know the outcome. Does that make sense? I have to smile and be positive for my kids but in all honesty I'm petrified of what's going to happen, courts, media and if this turns out as the worse scenario.

I just want my life back without this grey cloud over my head anymore.
sorry for the depressing post but really needed to get it out.


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 10:09pmReport post

"ive lost myself because of this and feel I can't bring myself back" this resonates with me, we are in different stages of the process but I really don't feel like myself. I have days, maybe a week at a time that I might feel a bit better, I come up for air occasionally hoping that it'll all be over but it isn't. This really does take its toll on partners. Keep focusing on getting through the short term and don't beat yourself up for how you are feeling.


Member since
June 2022

51 posts

Posted Sun September 4, 2022 10:55pmReport post

Just sending you lots of love..and I am so sorry for what you are going through xx

And it absolutely makes sense! X

Edited Sun September 4, 2022 11:05pm

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2492 posts

Posted Mon September 5, 2022 4:12amReport post

Hi lovely.

feel so sorry you ladies have to wait so damn long for things to move on / it's not fair infact cruel.

I've tried to let go of some milestones in our journey, around this time of year I'd be in tears every day remembering what happened two years ago :(

Last night I had a cry and couldn't believe this morning I'm 'sure' I heard my doorbell go, of course I didn't, but shows the fear is still there and hovers always.....

Rambling on sorry, carnt offer you much except letting you know you are not on your own and we know exactly how you feel xxxx keep going xxxx

Edited Mon September 5, 2022 4:15am

Polly Pocket

Member since
May 2022

440 posts

Posted Mon September 5, 2022 7:38amReport post

You make complete sense!!

I don't feel myself either and feel immense fear for the process we still have to go through to get out of the other side. I am in therapy.. I'm considering asking for medication from the docs to help me through.

I've just been looking at my calendar and I can't believe how the months gave rolled on, but at the same time I'm looking at next year and wondering how much of it will be dedicated to this situation. I also feel like you, that I can't do anything or move on until its dealt with.

Smile - I had a 'moment' earlier too - I thought people were on my path.. I am currently waiting out my witching hour.

Sending love and shared strength to everyone xxx


Member since
August 2022

8 posts

Posted Mon September 5, 2022 4:14pmReport post

I know how u feel I feel so lost at times and u want to wake up every morning wishing it was all just a bad dream.

Take one day at a time and if u need to cry then cry I think we all lose ourselves a bit but I try to keep reminding myself that there had to be a bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

The fact that you've got through a year of this tells me your a strong person so never doubt that x