Family and Friends Forum

Shpo question

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Member since
October 2021

20 posts

Posted Wed September 7, 2022 7:57pmReport post

Hello its been a while since Ive posted, we have been moving on with our lives and everything has been great after sentencing till my brother had a home visit the other night.. can the police or the shpo or whoever force him into disclosing to his job? It is a rather isolated job and he doesn't work with children but the other guys he works for have children.

I know that this might have to be the case and he may have to tell them and most likely lose his job but it seems very unfair to bring this up now months after he was sentenced and him losing his job will be devastating both for him and the family.

If anyone has any advice on either what to do or how to go about disclosing to work please help xxx


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sat September 10, 2022 4:53pmReport post

My partner was told he had to inform his work if he was asked by then or in the contract. Thankfully my partner has not had to disclose.

He does have a SHPO condition that says he cannot be in contact with children under 16. That means he cannot attend work social events where kids will or might be e.g. BBQs.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Sat September 10, 2022 7:32pmReport post

If it's in his contract or code of conduct, or if they employ u18s or if you could come into contact with u18s then probably yes. But if it's just a case of your colleagues have kids but you won't ever see them then I think that would be ridiculous?? Definitely give unlock a call x