Family and Friends Forum

Moving home to escape

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Member since
May 2022

47 posts

Posted Sun September 11, 2022 8:20pmReport post

Hi all,

Is it possible to move home to escape neighbours knowing? We are still pre sentencing but word got round my street and now my person isn't welcome to come and visit us at home. I've agreed to this as I want to live a life where I am not scared the house will get targeted. However, it's taking such a toll on my mental health. Just having a baby and returning to work full time... the extra support my person gave me in the evenings was invaluable. Now it's all gone to protect my house and my son. I will add that we know half of the street from our time at school in the local area, so we are a close knit street - maybe unlike others.

I'm going to sell up and move into a rental for a bit (incase I have to move further etc). What's the chances that I can live there and have him still visit without people knowing and when/if it hits the media ... he won't be recognised?!

I think it's hard where I currently am because he was very well known anyway - but I'm planning to ideally move further away out of my hometown and to a street where We didn't go to school with half of them. (That really is not an exaggeration! It's a new build street - that's why! It's full of all our generation!)

I just want him to be able to see my son and help around the house with him without getting hate texts from my neighbours and old school friends... is this possible !? :(


Member since
March 2022

439 posts

Posted Sun September 11, 2022 8:32pmReport post

I have no advise I'm afriad but I'm liking the same . Noone knows yet but the street knows us it's round the corner from my kids school . Our back garden backs onto her friend from school I can imagine they will say he can see our the windows into there gardens . You can't fart on the street without everyone knowing . Our next door nabour is no nosey . There only one way into the house and he's always at the front somehow asking how we are and filling us in with gossips . How did people find out to message you ect . You would surley think if you have just had a baby ppl would now some sympathy :( xxx