Family and Friends Forum

Small gleam of light

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Member since
June 2022

326 posts

Posted Wed September 21, 2022 1:23pmReport post

On the day of the knock my OH confessed to a huge addiction to cocaine. He had been using for our entire relationship but it had become partially bad over the last few years. I was completely oblivious to all of it. He told me that all of his offending occurred whilst under the influence.

I have tried hard to educate myself and found that there is a link between cocaine use and "risky sexual behaviour".

My OH has been clean for 90 days and today he has told me that he no longer has the urge and desire to use porn & chatrooms.

I know this will not change our current situation but it is a huge deal to me and I really wanted to share with those who would understand x


Member since
December 2021

633 posts

Posted Wed September 21, 2022 1:41pmReport post

Confused that must be a relief for you, hope he can continue to stay clean. My partner has not given me much comfort in the way of apologising or being remorseful for his behaviour, but he has at least gone cold turkey on his porn activity since the knock, so that has to be a plus.