Family and Friends Forum

Refusing a Child Protection Plan

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Member since
June 2022

326 posts

Posted Thu September 22, 2022 2:31pmReport post

My children have been subject to a CPP for the last 3 months and we have the first review on Monday.

I am intending to refuse cooperation with an extension of the plan but say that I will work with children's services on a Child In Need Plan.

My OH is no longer in the family home and only has supervised contact in the community. The school nurse has told me that she doesn't have any concerns & does not need to be involved further and the school have no concerns apart from the obvious.

Has anyone successfully managed to do what I am planning or am I playing a risky game?

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

943 posts

Posted Thu September 22, 2022 6:03pmReport post


I haven't done exactly the same but I'll share my experience with you. When my person (partner at the time) was arrested and remanded I had ss involvement. I was 3 months pregnant but have two older children from a previous relationship. SW didn't ever tell me that we were on any sort of plan. I voiced my safety plan and he wrote it up. At the time I'd separated from partner and it was agreed that I could supervise contact between him and baby as often as I chose or could mange emotionally myself. He wrote it up like partners parents had to be there which I didn't challenge when he sent it as I was just pleased to have them out of my life and the case closed. Was only when looking through the documents sent that I noticed that we were on a cin plan. Neither myself or my children were given any support during the 3 months between opening the case and closing it. Recently went back to ss for me to supervise alone anywhere I choose. I told them that I didn't think it appropriate for our daughter to be on any type of plan unless there was support that they could provide in addition to the things I had already found for myself or if they would fund an independent risk assessment. They said they wouldn't fund that and agreed with me that no plan or signed agreement is necessary. I supervise anywhere and only have to go back to them at the point where he moves in, if that happens.
I would probably ask them to explain the benefits of each plan to you. What support your family will receive on each so that you can make an informed decision. Good luck xx

Edited Thu September 22, 2022 6:05pm