Family and Friends Forum

Feeling hopeless

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Member since
August 2022

122 posts

Posted Thu September 22, 2022 9:35pmReport post

I'm in such a bad place at the moment. Everyone just keeps saying it takes time and take it day by day but I'm just so overwhelmed constantly. It's all I think about. He's clicked links and said he didn't see bad things (other than the assumed age already spoke about) and he's confident there's not more but seeing everyone else's posts about links and chat rooms etc there's more to it, always... even if not intentional.

Before the knock we were discussing another child and moving abroad and now that's all up in smoke and my life is over. I can't see how it can work between us regardless of the outcome and I know my kids are going to be devastated.

All I wanted for my girls was to have an incredible dad they could look up to, I even put myself as the bad guy most of the time so they had that and look how its treated me. My daughter and I constantly argue and daddy does no wrong but she doesn't see why I'm always down and snappy. She doesn't see that it's him that's caused this...


Member since
July 2022

431 posts

Posted Thu September 22, 2022 10:14pmReport post

Hello EA. I am sorry you feel so down. Whenever i felt overwhelmed my family would always say to me, one problem at a time. I realise that any words here will not help short term. Have you spoken to your GP? And asked about speaking to someone. Do you work and if so does your employer have access to councillors? Do you have family members that you can speak to?

I am sorry I cannot take your pain away, but you are not alone. X


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Fri September 23, 2022 9:07amReport post

Ea sorry you're going through this. I was the same with my ex husband (who's not my person to do with knock) I never had a dad growing up and I wanted so badly for my daughter to have that relationship. He still did for a while, since first lock down he pretty much has nothing to do with her and I feel so sad for her but she has me and my family, I give her as much love as I possibly can and my sons too. Your life isn't over, it's just a new chapter and not the one you thought you'd have. Aceppting this is the hard bit but when you do finally, you'll ferl a Wright off. Just one day at a time honey xx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Fri September 23, 2022 10:09amReport post


I know exactly how you feel, the limbo is hell. I swayed from days feeling confident they would come back and say it was a mistake to days where I worried they would come back and tell me he had thousands of images on top of conversations. It's absolutely awful and believing in your partner means nothing because you have to prepare for both outcomes just in case.

In my case, when the charges landed (wonderfully timed just before Christmas) I crumbled and thought my world was over, seeing the words on the paper made me feel sick. But then came the release of the evidence and it helped as I could see what was what. It's been almost 10 months now waiting for the next stage after pleading not guilty at both courts and I still very much have days where I'm confident this will be squashed but then days where I worry he will go to prison and my life will be exposed to everyone. I try not to thing too much and just enjoy each day at a time. I tell myself there are thousands of people in society who live on after committing heinous crimes so this is really minimal in comparison.

We don't know what will happen, all we can do is prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Whatever happens we can get through it xx