Family and Friends Forum

It's on an industrial scale

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Member since
May 2022

78 posts

Posted Sat September 24, 2022 10:14amReport post

I was listening to the radio one night a few weeks ago I works nights so that's when I listen lol....they were discussing illicit images being sent on the Internet or watsapp text ect and one of the presenters was saying he had been talking to men and women in the police realativly high up in the force about this subject and they had all said that the problem of images being sent that were illicit was on an industrial scale .

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2493 posts

Posted Sat September 24, 2022 12:11pmReport post

And prisons filling up on an industrial scale too........ so wish someone would seriously address this!

Edited Sat September 24, 2022 12:12pm


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Posted Sat September 24, 2022 1:16pmReport post

It's so frustrating isn't it and noone really talks about it as noone wants to be that person as they are probably afraid others will think they are minimising the actions.

Someone asked the other day what lff are doing to highlight it also, I too admit I had never heard of or seen anything regarding lff until it was too late. Maybe they are doing more, would be good to see them more publicly on the net and see more updates from them, surely prevention is cheaper than curing

More info needs to be made public, am I terrified that at some point in my future I will be in this same situation with other family members due to accidental involvement thorough being on a group chat or similar and then not actually being aware that things are illegal ie cartoons.

Sorry like I said it frustrates me so so much especially as it comes with so much stigma for the family and friends


Member since
December 2021

890 posts

Posted Sat September 24, 2022 8:13pmReport post

There is such a huge lack of awareness as to how easy it is to access illegal material. I honestly thought you'd have to be on the dark web and hunting it out, you really don't. When I was younger (and naive) I use to download torrents for music, films and software. It was actually where I first saw some extreme/not mainstream (but legal porn), it came in a file that looked from the name to be a album I wanted, it terrifies me thinking about kids doing this and what could be found on this. Even then some of the legal stuff is so close to the line on what I now know to be legal and not. I stopped doing this not because I identified any risk in what I might download in terms of content, but my computer kept getting viruses.

Whilst I understand there needs to be cut off ages, but it breaks my heart seeing so many parents of younger children coming on here. I think it must be quite confusing for older children /young adults accessing material online - The normal, legal porn in itself is a lot to digest, without the confusion of seeing someone perhaps closer in age to you than some of the adults in legal material. The Internet is so scary.

And as for "communication" cases, why isn't there more to educate adults as to the impact sexual conversations can have on a child. I struggle with the idea of promoting more awareness of the laws, because people shouldn't not do this just because a law says so. But there should be more done to raise the awareness and educating adults as to the impact is has on children, but I do think that there lots of misconceptions that it's "only" talking and not knowingthat it's illegal.

The Internet and phones facilitate many activities (Bullying, afrairs, disinformation) that wouldn't otherwise be so easily possibly and perhaps led many people to do things they wouldn't normal have done because you aren't doing it in bold, stark reality where you are facing yours and your communities morals and values.

I feel like the Internet needs a big red danger sign on it. For children, for adults, for everyone.