Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2022

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I was hoping someone might be able to provide some hope.

My dad was arrested last week. I have been told that it was for accessing 2 images on one single date over a year ago. They don't have any information about the images other than they were flagged as being IIOC.

The few people who know are completely shocked. I know a lot of family members will be the same but my dad's character is exemplary. He has spent a large part of his life protecting children from a distance and having grown up with him I know he doesn't have any such tendencies. This kind of thing would sicken him. The information from the police indicates to me it is an accident, but I'm aware how serious the accusation is.

Yesterday, he was found trying to kill himself. He had a suicide note stating that he was already depressed and this had sent him over the edge. He said the accusation is something he would never do. He is now in intensive care. I'm hoping he makes a full recovery but there may be lasting impacts.

This is obviously an incredibly stressful time. I'm looking for some hope. How long do these investigations take? If there is a likely charge will we find out soon? Do these investigations often lead to charge? Are there any statistics regarding this?


Posted Mon September 26, 2022 12:57pmReport post


Member since
September 2022

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Posted Mon September 26, 2022 1:14pm
Edited Wed September 28, 2022 10:57amReport post


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December 2021

695 posts

I hope your dad will be ok. Make sure he is seen by mental health team and have support in place. The police etc are in no rush, these things can take from months to years.
reach out to the officer in charge in an email, show her the suicide note, tell him how much it is affecting your family and you'd appreciate it if they could rush the device checks through. Be nice, firm but don't give him too much info/discuss too much. I did this and mine was one of the quicker cases (8 months) good luck x

Posted Sun October 2, 2022 10:18pm
Edited Sun October 2, 2022 10:19pmReport post

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