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Legal representation advice/suggestions/ASD

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Member since
October 2022

2 posts

Hi - I am a mum, two and half years into this nightmare and can't believe, I am about to go through it again. My son was arrested in the height of Covid, eventually charged and found guilty at Crown Court at the end of 2020. This is the very short version of his situation, but one day I will write it all down, because as I read a lot of your entries, I have seen it, felt it, cried it, challenged it and can't believe that the law is fixed to convict everyone, with the same punishment - no mitigating circumstances are taken into consideration. You're encouraged to plead guilty, to get leniency in the sentence, that's rubbish and if you can't afford the top solicitors, they just represent you (by video, as was our case) and they don't put a defence to the court.

Apologies for my rant, my son has ADHD and learning issues. I pleaded with the solicitor and the court, presented all the evidence I had over the years, but because I had nothing more up-to-date from the NHS at the time, no-one believed me. The probabtion did their initial assessment by phone of my son and claimed he showed no remorse, probably because he is not good talking to strangers especially on the phone, when he cannot see their face. He also looks to me for the answers to all the questions, as he struggles to understand a lot of things. Eventually, I paid for a private forensic psyschologist to assess him and he was found to have ADHD, ASD (autism spectrum), learning issues and neuro-development issues. All of this should have been diagnosied prior to sentence, but no-one would listen - not until I provided the report. But too late for that case. I've left out a great deal of detail, especially as he is a vulnerable adult and easily led astray, especially into the dark web.

And here I am again, another investigation, 'some' images found and awaiting CPS to decide if he is to be charged. The affect on our family is devasting, I am trying to hold it together, but I am not sure if I can go through the court process again and avoid any local press coverage. I have found a solicitor who specialises in representing offenders with austism, but they won't take legal aid. My son, has been unemployed since his conviction and I am retired so, I do not have the means to pay for the best legal defence, but why should he not get the best defence, through legal aid?

My question to you all, can anyone recommend a specialist solicitor for defending people with ASD/learning issues, through legal aid? I'm sorry for a long rant, as I said this is the very 'short' version of my sons situation, but any advice would be gratefully appreciated. There are some complex medical/psyschological issues here, which I am also trying to get help with; if the system could provide support, perhaps he wouldn't be getting into trouble online.

Any suggestions for legal representation, gratefully received. (Prayers) x

Posted Tue October 4, 2022 4:20pm
Edited Wed October 5, 2022 10:31amReport post


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Posted Thu October 6, 2022 4:07am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


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Posted Thu October 6, 2022 7:11am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


Member since
October 2022

2 posts


Thank you for your very comprehensive response (s), apologies for no response, but just coming out the other side of Covid ????????

My friend (met through LFF), said you were very good. I'm not on Mumsnet, but I can try to find you that way, might be easier.

JillyB xxx

Posted Wed October 19, 2022 8:32pmReport post

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