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Member since
October 2022

26 posts

My partner is 5 months away from coming of the SO Register (5 years) he has been open and honest from the start and recognises what started off as browsing porn turned to an addiction which led him to inappropriate images, chat rooms, websites etc. Up until a few months ago there were no concerns, he was on "the straight and narrow" shall we say and life was going by as usual, until I noticed some old tell tale signs and questioned him, to which he admitted going on porn more regular and resulting in him getting a visit and a warning as such. I understand addiction is something that won't go away and I've tried so hard to understand and be supportive. I just can't understand how he can keep away for so long and then all of a sudden he's clicking link after link and ending up down the rabbit hole again. Has anyone else experienced this with someone they love ? It was mentioned to him about limiting his acces to the internet and he did agree to some parental locks, but it feels like a breakdown in trust and I feels awful !

Posted Thu October 13, 2022 7:31pm
Edited Fri October 14, 2022 2:30pmReport post


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Posted Sat October 15, 2022 5:45am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Can I ask what the warning was about? My partner has been on the SOR for over two years and has had a few spot checks.

My partner does still on occasion watch porn. The police are aware but haven't raised issues. Was it the frequency and amount of porn veiewed or, or the content?

We are hoping to get the SOR and SHPO timescale reduced (as he is on ten years). Been told he can apply around 5 years in to see if it can be reduced. So he needs to have a good record ofc of no concerns.

Posted Thu October 20, 2022 8:40pmReport post


Member since
October 2022

26 posts

Of course, the warning was for viewing content that in their opinion was borderline illegal, however they also said it was 18-20 ish year olds so wanted to make him aware. Some of what they said didn't add up so we are under the impression it was more of a scare than anything. They are aware he occasionally goes on porn and actively encourage it as healthy (that I don't understand) and we've not really had any problems with his visits till now.

Posted Tue October 25, 2022 4:02pmReport post

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