Family and Friends Forum

Social services

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Member since
March 2022

5 posts

Posted Sat October 15, 2022 12:27pmReport post

So my partner was the subject of NFA by the police . Social continued to be involved and we have now moved into a new team . The new social worker who is a trainee and very nice to be fair has suggested a child in need plan which was voluntary which I declined as I saw no reason for my child needing any support - they seem to have accepted this as they have had no involvement with my child since this all happened 9 months ago . They want to carry out a risk assessment on my partner and the trainee social worker is going to do it possibly supervised by his supervising manager. This makes me think that they are not seeing much risk as they are not making anything formal / anyone had any experience of this ? Anyone know what the risk assessment covers ? Thanks


Member since
November 2022

259 posts

Posted Thu November 24, 2022 9:53pmReport post

Hi Charlie

First and foremost don't trust social services they will litterely twist everything you say. Be careful to make sure you don't down play what your OH has done and make sure to show you don't fully trust him and that you are putting your child above his wants and needs

risk assessment consists of

Identify possible hazards and risks with penetration testing. ... Decide where and how the damage might occur. ... Put control measures in place. ... Identify all possible outcomes. ... Address residual risks.

that is just a basic one though