Family and Friends Forum

Sad and confused

Member since
November 2022

32 posts

Hi I am new here

My husband of 38 years was arrested 3 weeks ago and released under

investigation. The police officers who came said they had had info

from the National Crime Agency that the VPN from this address had been used to download 2 images on 2 different dates. When my husband was questioned they told him that one was Cat A and one was Cat C. They took both his phones

but didn't search the house even though they had a search warrant.

The Police Officer said that 'it all depends on what is found on the phones as to whether they bring him in for further questioning'. If there is nothing found on the phones then that will be the end of the matter.

is this right? My husband is absolutely devastated, he admitted to watching porn when questioned but did not intend to watch illegal images. He is a massive idiot when it comes to technology, can't even use online banking!

I am so stressed and worried that even if nothing is found on his phones then he might be charged anyway?

Posted Thu November 3, 2022 10:02amReport post


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July 2021

876 posts


I'm sorry you find yourself here and completely sympathise with how you feel. It's correct in what they are saying that they will use forensics to look through his phone. Alarms around images are raised in a few different ways, it can be by social media apps from reports of images or from your service provider. It is the case that sometimes illegal material is downloaded by accident and forensics can help to build a case for this, there have been cases where a major pornography site has streamed material containing minors. Hopefully the phone will come back clear. It's quite a long time to receive the information back from forensics so the best thing you can do is try to go about life as normal (although it's difficult). It's always a case of preparing for the worst case scenario but hoping for the best. Sending love xx

Posted Fri November 4, 2022 9:25amReport post


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July 2021

876 posts

Just to add further.... if anything is found on the phone he will be invited for a second interview - it's important he has legal representation for this. This isn't always indicative of it being in relation to images of minors, my partner was found to have "extreme images" which is of adults, weirdly enough we're not as free in this country in regards to pornography as we think! And these were sent to him and are actually of a "humorous" nature from friends. He hasn't been charged for these. So don't panic straight away. If they find something they may pass it to the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) who will decide whether to press charges and if they don't find anything it will be an NFA (No Further Action).

Posted Fri November 4, 2022 9:25am
Edited Fri November 4, 2022 9:30amReport post

Sad and confused

Member since
November 2022

32 posts

Thank you so so much for replying to me. One minute I'm feeling positive and the next I'm in bits. It doesn't help that I've sat in on Child Protection meetings with my job and it's literally heart breaking what some children go through. He has told me and I believe him that he never searched for images, that the internet is rife and you only have to click one button too many and there you are. This was backed up by what the police woman said who arrested him . She was actually brilliant and said it happens all the time, some people don't realise what they are getting in to. She said the cases have doubled in the last 2 years. How sad. I honestly think education is the key and this should be taught while at school about the consequences of deliberate or accidental searches. Reading peoples stories on here is heart breaking.

I just don't want to get lulled in to a false security, and wondered if he could be charged just from the information that the service provider gave the police if there is no evidence on his phone? I'm hoping your answer confirms that he couldn't. For a man that can't even attach a photo to an email I can't believe he's now in this situation.

I literally can't look at anyone at work or my friends, the trauma of that day will stay with us forever I guess.

I hope you are doing ok now and thanks once again.

Posted Fri November 4, 2022 12:58pmReport post


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July 2021

876 posts

Aww bless you, this site is very good and everyone is extremely supportive. All of our stories are different but our support is universal! I understand exactly how you feel, since my time on this journey I have done a vast amount of research into this kind of stuff and some of it is stomach churning. I'm glad the Police woman was nice to you as they are sometimes horrific and fuel situations. I absolutely agree, I didn't know half of the stuff I've learned is now illegal until I unfortunately ended up on this journey.

In regards to charges, if nothing is found on the phone I would be 99% positive that no further action could be taken as there would be an accusation but no evidence. The searches can uncover a lot, even things which have been deleted so there may be some things which are questioned. There are also cases on here where images have been questioned in regards to the age of the person in them and amounts of images reduced after questioning it so it's very important if (hopefully not) it gets to this stage that you have a solicitor who knows what they are talking about and is willing to question things. It can be very daunting awaiting charges and going through this process so if you have any questions at all please ask.

I haven't told anyone (apart from my sister who I was forced to tell because of her child) and I've been here for almost 18 months. I think it's better that way personally but I've always been the one to deal with things on my own. We have the trial next month, his representation has been shocking to the point I've had to produce his defence statement and we're just hoping the judge will throw it out or the jury see sense. Not much we can do but be hopeful. I go through stages all the time of either sheer panic or thinking it will be ok and until the charges were posted and I was aware of evidence I always kept a place in my mind that it was possible he had done all sorts, luckily it wasn't the case. It's mentally and emotionally draining so thank goodness for this forum! Xx

Posted Fri November 4, 2022 3:40pmReport post

Sad and confused

Member since
November 2022

32 posts

Gosh how horrendous for you and your partner ... 18 months waiting is a sentence in itself isn't it.

We seem very similar in that we just need to get to the bottom of it all and I am researching as much as I can. Re the Police woman who arrested my husband, she was seemed to reassure me by saying so many cases are flagged up that have got there by stupidity and ignorance. She actually said whoever looks at porn is 3 clicks away from entering in to a whole new (illegal) world.

I wish I could tell someone as I'm not very good at hiding my feelings but think it's best I keep this quiet. If there are no charges bought then I want to scream to the the world to think about what they are doing if they decide to look at porn on the Internet.

would you mind telling me what they are charging your other half for? No worries if you'd rather not. I cannot imagine what you're going through (well I can but thankfully not there yet).

You are amazingly strong and I wish for the best possible outcome for you x take care and thank you (feel better just by talking to you) xx

Posted Fri November 4, 2022 5:15pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

It really is and there are a couple of people on here who are 3/4 years deep into this! I'm sure you won't be so don't panic but it's ridiculous.

It's scary how accessible it actually is, it's on huge social media platforms and you would never think it would be allowed but people find a way.

It does get difficult keeping it to yourself but you just never know how people are going to react and even when people are found not guilty in cases like this there is always a "no smoke without fire" attitude from some people. I also feel a huge desire to scream to people about the dangers of online activity but until my situation is sorted I daren't in case the worst happens and it exposes it even more.

My partner has 4 charges around communication with a decoy who said they were 14, he isn't guilty as the conversations in the evidence pack belong to someone else but one little piece of evidence is what has brought all of this about and makes him look suspicious. There's not much we can do other than him argue his case and hope the jury see it for as it is. We are hoping that the defence statement may trigger any evidence remaining with the CPS which helps strengthen his case to be released and then they will decide not to proceed but if not then we will have to wait til the trial to submit a no case to answer and hope the judge agrees the evidence isn't strong enough. Failing both of those then it'll be in the jury's hands.

Thank you so much! I'm glad I could help you and I really hope everything works out for you xx

Posted Fri November 4, 2022 5:35pmReport post


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Post deleted

Posted Sat November 5, 2022 6:28am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post

Sad and confused

Member since
November 2022

32 posts

I really hope for the best for us all, thank you both for replying to me. i ttotallt understand what you're saying Daffodil but when I hear about the way some people have been treated by the Police, I'm really grateful that she was very sensitive and gave me a lot of info that she didn't need to. She phoned me to update me when my husband was being bought home and gave me her number. I phoned her a week later and asked her to explain to me again the process as my mind had gone blank. She did so and I was grateful for that. Having said all that I will definitely heed your advice and if he gets questioned further then will maje sure he has legal representation.

Baffled ... it sounds like it is a very flimsy case they are building so I hope that this is soon over for you. Please if you want to let me know how it goes for you.

Take care xxxx

Posted Sat November 5, 2022 6:08pmReport post


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November 2022

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The officer makes it sound routine (it probably is for them!)

Even though one is one too many - if he didn't search for it or "save" it and its just this the couple I can't see it going further. You mentioned a VPN, was he using a VPN? I understand that VPNs sort of "collect" a group of people together so maybe they're questioning everyone who was using the VPN at the time.

Posted Tue November 8, 2022 8:34pm
Edited by moderator Wed November 9, 2022 9:41amReport post

Sad and confused

Member since
November 2022

32 posts

Hi Hopeful

so sorry I've only just seen your message. From what the Officer was saying a VPN is the thing that identifies the home address of the device where the image was looked at? They wanted to know if anyone else was visiting our home on the two dates they were looking in to.

She also said sometimes things are downloaded behind the scenes without you knowing.

I just can't get my head round that someone who may have accidentally stumbled across something (or even looked at something out of some weird morbid curiosity) who has no interest in or desire to hurt a minor can be charged with these offences. I have learnt a lot on this forum and it saddens me so much to see whole families ripped apart for what??

just praying nothing is found on his phones so we can get in with our lives (although don't think it will ever be quite the same again ... so traumatised by the knock and arrest).

thank you for replying and I hope you are doing ok x

Posted Wed November 23, 2022 6:07pmReport post


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November 2022

2 posts

Thank you!,

It seems very unfair, I looked at the report from the Internet Watch Foundation a while ago - 15000 reports per month from members of the public! So thousands are stumbling over this toxic material every week!!!

Just out of interest were the dates recent or from months ago? I would have thought they would want some bigger fish :(

Posted Thu November 24, 2022 8:26pmReport post

Sad and confused

Member since
November 2022

32 posts

Hi Hopeful it was 2 dates a week apart that they mentioned this year. They are probably hoping that his phone will reveal more.

He's admitted to me that he's looked at Porn (apparently 'all men do' ... not sure about that myself) but never sought out anything to do with underage .. thing is the police woman told me that things can be downloaded with out you even knowing!! How is this allowed to happen?

Like everyone else on here I am just so so angry that the 'big fish' never seem to get caught ...

Tried to talk to my son in law the other day about the dangers of the internet (without going in to detail about how I know ... my kids count us as their best friends cannot even cope with having to tell them) and said I'd done some training at work (I'm a Civil Servant) and he just laughed it off .. said 'oops best get rid of blah blah then' making light of it ... I wanted to scream at him!

The world we live in nowadays is so different, everything is so accessible and we are all de sensitised to some extent.

Why is no one educating (remember the stay indoors campaign for Covid' literally no one is warned about the rabbit hole they are entering when they look at the internet.

Sorry for rant ... can't talk to anyone else which I so want to do x

Posted Fri November 25, 2022 3:52pmReport post

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