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Solicitor still not been given information

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Member since
November 2021

206 posts


My husband is in magistrates court on Thursday. As soon as the charges came through we contacted our solicitor and gave him details so he could access the information to advise my husband on the best action to take, as although there was images that was deleted from his device they was only there as they was downloaded without him knowing.

Anyway, contacted solicitor today as we still haven't heard anything from him and the date is fast approaching to be told he still hasn't been able to access the information as it isn't on the system. Is this normal or just another mess up from the police who has made our lives hell for the last 14 months? If he doesn't get the info in time to help my husband where will he stand in court as this is their fault not his or his solicitors. It's already a really stressful time without this happening as well. Any advice would be great

Posted Sun November 13, 2022 3:24pmReport post


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

My person had 2nd interview last Nov, we didn't get evidence until a mi th ago and that was the barrister taking them to court fir a judge to order it gers sent. His plea was out off so many times it was unbelievable. Now crown court was supposed to be tommarow but put back to 5th Dec. Just waiting on psr, we are hoping it won't be out back again as I cabt keep taking time off. Get your barrister to hassle them, otherwise they might taje forever. I swaar they did it to punish him as he rejected one of the charges and we got it dropped.

Posted Sun November 13, 2022 3:36pmReport post


Member since
November 2021

206 posts

Thank you, I will do. At the end of the day it's their legal right to have someone representing them. We was told we could get an on duty solicitor free of charge but they'd only get info just before the court so we chose to pay and get him someone who could study it all so this isn't really fair. I've already got a letter to send when this is all done due to treatment of my children through all of this but this will be added on their too. Disgraceful treatment especially when it's costing us alot of money.

Posted Sun November 13, 2022 5:52pmReport post


Member since
June 2021

437 posts

My husband had his sent across on the morning and they spent upto a hour talking before he went in

Posted Sun November 13, 2022 6:27pmReport post


Member since
December 2021

637 posts

Oh Mumof3girls, this is just pants isn't it? I expect it's because the solicitor is just really busy but I sometimes wonder if this lack of action by solicitors is because they too have been judgemental and assume guilt, and so are not overly bothered about what happens to their clients as long as they get paid. Either way, it's unprofessional and they should remember that unlike most other crimes, conviction of a sex offence can be financially and emotionally ruinous for both their client and their family

I also have the same suspicions as you about the police, I got the impression that they were quite disappointed how little material they found despite their being so many devices in the home (we are a gadget family and my partner never throws anything away) and that their pursuit of a conviction has as much to do with getting a result for all that time as for any other reason.

Anyway get on the blower to that solicitor and put a rocket under his/her backside!

Posted Sun November 13, 2022 7:57pmReport post


Member since
November 2021

206 posts

Thank you, we did speak to solicitor but he said the courts/police haven't put my husband's case on the system yet so he can't access it yet. He was extremely annoyed about this as well and said he fully understood our urgency with getting this sorted as we aren't even sure what plea would be best for my husband. Like you we have loads of devices they took 10. They reckon they found 7 cat a, 47 cat b and 12 cat c on 2 phones. Basically the oic was anti my husband straight away and has done nothing but tell us lie after lie time and time again. My 3 children was badly treated through the knock, my them 5 year old was told that her dad was going to prison as he's been naughty (before anything was ever found) and my eldest daughter now has panic attacks when she sees police/police cars. A 14 year old with PTSD! Now being referred over for counciling. This whole process is not fair on the innocent ones x

Posted Sun November 13, 2022 11:29pmReport post

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