Family and Friends Forum

What happens at sentencing?

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Member since
September 2022

108 posts

Can someone advise what happens at sentencing? It's next month and I'm getting so anxious over it, I have never been to court. A family member told me he will be asked questions by the prosecution and will have to swear on the bible to tell the truth nothing but the truth etc but I don't see why as he's pleaded guilty there is no trial, apart from confirming name and age and did you do this crime etc. I don't get what else they would ask him or say at sentencing

Posted Thu November 17, 2022 2:34pmReport post


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December 2019

499 posts

My partner did not swear on the bible, I think that is only done if they are religious (or an American thing...).

My partner barely spoke during sentencing. The solicitor does most of the talking. If pleading guilty there isn't much to it. Confirm name again, judge runs through the charges and the findings of investigation. Very little needed from the defendant

Posted Thu November 17, 2022 7:09pmReport post


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Posted Fri November 18, 2022 5:53am
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


Member since
November 2022

32 posts

I was wondering about this, thank you.

Does it make a difference if family/friends are there? I don't want to be in court as I don't want to know the details (online conversations - he pled guilty, I don't want to know what was actually said) - I'll be discussing this with OH beforehand so he won't read anything into it. It's likely our marriage is over so I don't want to put myself through knowing the details, but I also want to support him as we have children and I do still care about him even though I think things are over for us.

Just wondered if judges look more favourably on people with family/friends there to support them

Posted Sat November 19, 2022 9:40pmReport post


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

I have wondered about this too as I want to go and support but not actually go into the court room, I am supporting my oh but I don't want to hear the description of the images as I know its something that will haunt me. I know what the categories mean and my mind has been bad enough. We have talked this through and he is fine with it but I still feel rubbish for not wanting to be in the room.

Posted Mon November 21, 2022 7:04pmReport post


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September 2022

108 posts

I understand needing to describe pics and videos for a jury, but I don't understand why the court needs to be so graphic and detailed during sentencing. Like how do they even describe such images? What phrases do they use? My OH has told me exactly what they will find and his solicitor has said it is a handful of pics ranging from Cat A to C from just one minor (not a decoy). He's said the content of the pics and videos is the same as the nude pics that adults and I imagine teenagers take to send to each other. But I am terrified how the court will describe it and if they will twist everything to make him sound like a monster

Posted Mon November 21, 2022 7:39pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

I wish I knew they would describe the iioc beforehand, I did go to court but didn't have this forum or any other info to prepare me.

My partner only admitted to me that he had images across all categories and ages engaged from very young to later teens. He didn't k ow how many images would be found. It was well over 1k in the end ...

I won't say exactly what was said in court but it made me feel sick and I struggled for weeks with the words ringing in my head. It was worded as something like 'the very youngest victim was xx years old across the categories, the youngest victim from Cat A was xx years old. - they then mentioned very briefly what the extent of the Cat A they referred to for the youngest victim.

Thankfully there was nothing more said about the iioc, I assume it is very brief if a offender pleads guilty. In trial it would be in far more detail...

Posted Tue November 22, 2022 10:22pmReport post


Member since
September 2022

108 posts

Thank you that's helpful to know! What my OH has told me makes me feel sick, so I hope I am prepared enough to hear it in court

Posted Thu November 24, 2022 2:07pmReport post

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