Family and Friends Forum

Risk assessment

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Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Wed April 24, 2019 8:15pmReport post

Hello everyone.

My partner has been on SOR for 2 years and comes off in 2022, he didn't get a prison sentence but we was caught with IIOC, I have two children from a previous relationship and I'm currently pregnant with my new partner, I knew he was on SOR but I didn't understand fully to what he had done until the police came to disclose, I've reluctantly decided to stand by him and social services are currently carrying out a risk assessment. He's done so much work and courses with his probation and has fully recovered from drugs and alcohol that he used to be addicted too, ever since meeting him he's always seemed so anti drugs and alcohol so I was shocked when the police told me this. too. I'm asking if anyone has had any positive outcomes from risk assessments? Will he be allowed access to my house or even live with me if they consider me a protective parent. Does anyone have their partners living with them after an assessment? His unborn baby is his only flesh and blood as he was taken away from his birth parents at a young age and adopted and I want to give him as normal life as possible. Any comments would be grateful, I'm terrified that he will be allowed 0 access to me with my kids around and his baby.


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Wed April 24, 2019 9:04pmReport post

I do have a positive story and positive outcome after social services risk assessment. My partner is on sor for a communication offence and is now living back at home. He is still supervised and cannot be left alone with the kids. Risk assessments are very individual so it will really depend on the offence, your history, your lives etc and what probation and others say. It's very intrusive and will need you both to really understand what's happened, the risks and how you will deal with those issues. It is possible to get a positive outcome but it will not be easy. The risk assessment will focus on you alot so be prepared would be my advice. You will need to prove you are a protective parent not just say it. Probation/police will have carried out some form of risk assessment also, if you don't already know what level of risk they have him at its worth finding out and discussing it with them also. Dont be afraid to ask social services, probation, your partner and police lots of questions, it's really important that no one gets it wrong. The most important thing is the safety of the children and they will need to see that that is your priority.


Member since
February 2019

23 posts

Posted Thu April 25, 2019 9:01amReport post

my situation is a long one, I'm already protecting my two children from there biological father because of his alcohol use and aggression, social services are already involved working with me to keep them safe from him and arrange supervised visits, I'm hoping this is already proving I can be protective, I'm also following all of there rules and only see my current partner when my family have my children at the weekend as I work extremely early hours, I believe his probation are feeling positive but have classed him as a medium risk, he finished a course not so long ago and they said he's came further down on their risk level but still medium, I'm going to go with him to his next probation to find out more. My children's father has been disclosed of my partners past, and stangly kept calm since, this was a few weeks ago.