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Quick question

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Member since
July 2022

580 posts

We had Magistrate's last week and my person was advised by the Solicitor not to put in any plea because she is trying to get one of the 2 charges dropped due to unclear evidence.

We now have a provisional date for Crown court because the Magistrates couldn't proceed if evidence is challenged.

Am I right in thinking that the appearance at Crown will now be the plea hearing and then there will be another date for sentencing?

My person is unsure as he was in such a state that he didn't really take in all that was said .

Posted Wed November 23, 2022 2:37pmReport post


Member since
September 2022

255 posts

Yes, that's how it was for my husband. His was slightly different in that he initially pleaded not guilty and so it had to go crown, but the first hearing was a plea hearing, he changed his plea at that point and he has sentencing next week which is 5 weeks later. The plea hearing was initially about 4 weeks after magistrates but was put back a month as court was too busy.

Posted Wed November 23, 2022 6:36pmReport post


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Hi, this was exactly the same for us, magistrates (mid aug) no plea as trying to get 2 charges dropped. The next hearing was at Crown (end Sept) to plea again, luckily the 2 charges were dropped 5 mins before he went in.

Now waiting sentencing mid Dec.

I hope you get your charges dropped x

Posted Wed November 23, 2022 8:59pmReport post

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