Family and Friends Forum

Probation officers

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Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Posted Thu April 25, 2019 9:01pmReport post

My sons probation officer is less than useless.. my question.. can he change his probation officer? How does he go about this? He asks him questions many unpaid hrs have i done now?simple question... prob officer doesnt know.. can i do this.. can i do that??prob officer doesnt know.. .. its bordering on ridiculous.. ive told my son he should have it all wrote down so that He knows.. i know prob are in short supply but this officer should have the answers to basic questions..

Can officer be changed... and how... thanks to you all xxx


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Fri April 26, 2019 11:34amReport post

Sorry I dont know if you can change probation officers. Maybe he should discuss with him that is causing him stress and upset that he feels his questions are not being answered. For my partner its soneone different who does the unpaid hours not the probation officer and he has a card that how many hours he needs to do and how many are left. Everytime he does unpaid work it should be signed off and any work he does with his probation officer should be recorded. Perhaps he should start his own diary of how often he attends. If there are other issues with the probation officer then it's worth finding out if he can change but otherwise I think he should just tell him hes struggling to understand what he needs to do and what hours are left and he needs more support.


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Posted Fri April 26, 2019 3:06pmReport post

Hi maria.. yes his unpaid work is with someone else. Theres 4 over seeing but none have an answer to how many hrs worked or owed.. .. thanks hun x