Family and Friends Forum

After the court case

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Member since
March 2019

103 posts

My ex's court case is on the 16/5 just wondering if social services will contact me afterwards, my case was close pretty soon after the knock with was 4/10/17 because they were happy with me. But once all the information is out will they need to talk to me or see me again?


Posted Sun April 28, 2019 5:38pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

I think if nothing is changing after the court case (As in he will still only be having supervised access) then i don't think they would revisit you. Did they say to advise them of the outcome? I'm not sure they would even know he had been through court unless you told them. Hopefully someone who has been in a similar position may be able to give you better advice but I think if your case is closed and nothing is changing then they will not come to visit you again. If anything is different like he's moving home, the level of access is changing etc then they will be involved again.

Posted Sun April 28, 2019 8:26pmReport post


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

They might contact you to see if anything has changed. Mine was closed too but then they contacted me. I'm still finding their involvement confusing as they dont seem to be helping. Also they are aware my husband comes round everyday and are happy with my ensuring supervision yet they said if anything changes to let them know but what change? If he moves back then i would still be doing supervised etc. I want to be able to let my husband have more access in the future but I still dont know how to go about it without ss thinking I'm not protecting my kids. I'm not saying on their own overnight I just mean out shopping etc. Also my husband's order doesnt say anything about not allowed to be with under 16s. I have so many unanswered questions but I'm scared to ask them. Of course I'm putting my kids first and at the moment I dont want husband to live back home but I do want some normality for the kids, for him to be able to still be a father to them x

Posted Mon April 29, 2019 7:49amReport post

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