Family and Friends Forum

Son arrested kik account

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Member since
December 2022

4 posts

We got the knock at 7am yesterday morning (8/12/22), police had a warrant to search the house due to someone in the house opening a kik account and viewing, downloading IIOC, total shock but my 21 year old son admitted it was him! Police took him away along with laptops etc!
I picked him up from the police station 5 hours later, he has been given a simple phone with his SIM card in and told they will call him every month with an update. Not charged, not bailed.

How is this happening, I thought my son was a normal man that had girlfriends but now he tells me he has a porn addiction and is descensitised which led him onto harder porn and IIOC! I am so sad, he is the nicest boy with such good morals (so I thought)!

I love him so much but don't know how to act around him, I am disgusted at what he has done but also want to protect him, be there for him and help him through this process. He is ashamed and said he will never do it again. The images are of very young children, wtf!

He gave a no comment interview, hasn't been charged, yet as I know he will.

I have watched 24 hours in police custody and have always said "if that were my kid I would disown him" but I love him with all my heart and I can't turn my back on him. My other son is 18 and keeps trying to make excuses for why his brother done it.
any advice would be really appreciated, many thanks x

Posted Fri December 9, 2022 4:08pmReport post


Member since
December 2020

151 posts

Sorry to hear your story.
It is very early days be kind to yourself and take some Time. Try posting this on the discussion page as that is more active.

Posted Fri December 9, 2022 8:13pmReport post


Member since
September 2021

299 posts

Post on the discussion link you'll get more help. It is my son that was arrested so I know how you feel. I also hate what he's done but I still love him and will stand by him. It's very early days for you but you will start to feel calmer over the coming months x

Posted Fri December 9, 2022 11:53pmReport post


Member since
March 2021

389 posts

Hi Emma12345

I am sorry you find yourself here but you have come to the right place for support.

As hard as it is try and look after yourself as best you can as you have been through a terrible shock which does take time to process and understand.

If you can it would be good for you to speak to the helpline for support and it would also be good for your son to make contact with them too. If you are unable to talk at this moment in time you can email them instead. You may also want to contact your GP for support.

It is good your son is able to talk to you about what has happened (as many in the early days are unable to)

Keep posting as we are all here to help each other.

I am thinking of you and your son.

Posted Sat December 10, 2022 12:01pm
Edited Sat December 10, 2022 12:05pmReport post

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