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Getting harder

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Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Sun April 28, 2019 6:13pmReport post

I think I'm probably feeling sorry for myself without really knowing why.

The sentencing has taken place there is just the divorce to be completed but I'm feeling so lack lustre, I don't care about anything, I have no enthusiasm, if it wasn't for my family I wouldn't even want to be here.

Don't worry, I'm not suicidal, I just don't care!

I don't feel I have any joy in my life and nothing to look forward to do why bother?

Is this just another but you have to get over, had anyone else felt this way?

I hate this, I hate that it's sucked all the joy out of my life, I was always the happy go lucky, noisy, sociable one now, I can't be arsed to go out apart from walking the dog and work!!

I'm going away in a week or so with my friend, maybe I need the holiday and will come back feeling better!!

So I've so down and grumpy xx


Member since
September 2018

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Posted Sun April 28, 2019 6:40pmReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:26am


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Sun April 28, 2019 7:59pmReport post

Thank goodness Andrea, not that I wish it on you but I was beginning to think I was going mad!

I'd love to know if I'll ever feel normal again, whatever normal is!!

Take care xx


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Sun April 28, 2019 8:15pmReport post

Hi Tracey

sending you love and support.

you used so much emotional energy and empathy fighting last year maybe your brain can finally let go of the strength you needed and it’s causing stress and burnout. A bit like delayed post traumatic stress.

you have had a major life changing experience. You been so strong. I think it’s natural to have a dip. Be kind to yourself xxx


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Sun April 28, 2019 10:24pmReport post

Hi ladies

Thank you for your kind words, it really does help and maybe you're right Bethlou23, maybe I'm just written out with it all.

I'm waiting for more counselling and I think the holiday will do me good too.

Poster, thank you for that, I'll definitely have a read, I also find tuckmans stages of development really good, it's for team work but actually the elements are what we go through and is easy to do in and out of each part. I suppose for me I just want to feel as I used to and maybe I need to accept that might never happen.


Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:25pm


Member since
April 2019

29 posts

Posted Sun April 28, 2019 10:37pmReport post

Hi Tracey

Hope your holiday perks you up but please see your gp if the feeling of hopelessness continues. Are you sleeping ok, eating?


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Mon April 29, 2019 7:50amReport post

Hi Puffin

I'm sleeping a lot but never feel it's enough or rested when I wake up. Unfortunately I'm over eating and am the biggest I've ever been but I don't feel I can tackle that at the moment, it's another thing I don't care about!

I'm going to see how I feel after my holiday and if I'm still the same I'll go back to the GP, I am on feeling heavy anti depressants but perhaps I need a larger dose!


Sad sad

Member since
December 2018

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Posted Mon April 29, 2019 8:16amReport post

Tracey....I feel exactly the same. Life is just so hard. Hang on in there. It must get better x


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Mon April 29, 2019 8:21amReport post


your not alone. I feel emotionally exhausted most of the time. It takes a lot of energy to get through the day. I am also not really eating set meals and grazing through the day. Sometimes I just feel I am surviving and not really being present in life. I obviously love spending time with my daughter but I am putting off plans for myself and my future job etc. But I know I need to face it and move forward. I can’t live my life in this limbo waiting for the worse to happen.

i think the worse thing for me is I didn’t see it coming at all. Up until December I was perfectly content with my life.

But you know what he has betrayed my trust so massively. I can’t go back. I am learning to like being on my own.

( still pretty broody for a pet though)

we will certainly get through this , I am sorry if I post too much this forum is my safe space during this transition time.

Be proud of yourself Tracey you didn’t ask for any of this and are handling it with dignity. You even made it to the court hearing which takes so much courage.

i love all the models you and poster posted. It helps us make sense of the crazy situation we are in. I love reading all about psychology and things just trying not to let my connection to my partner draw me back in to circle thinking.

sprry for long post Tracey. You may not see how far you have come but you have come a long way and an inspiration to me while I also process my loss.

there should be more support for us as victims of someone else’s behaviour.

Maybe you could pop to you gp mine is so nice to me. It helps to talk things through like I said it’s a huge loss and your grieving the end of the life you thought you had. It’s crushing that men could sacrifice this for some sexual kicks.

Keep us updated we are all behind you.


Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:25pm


Member since
April 2019

29 posts

Posted Mon April 29, 2019 11:47amReport post

Dear Tracey

Ok, look after yourself. I have also found the eating has gone off track - all I want is carbs! Trying to go to gym for as long as I can afford the subscription. What I have learned so far is to accept all offers of help and to ask if I need help. This is hard for me as a " I can do it myself" type of person.

Dear Bethlou

Please keep posting. You are saying what most of us are thinking and feeling as well. You have a great way with words! The limbo is the worst. I have felt a lot better now that he has been charged. Even though that has taken away the hope that he might not be charged and it would all go away.

If you have not done so yet, watch you brain on porn on YouTube. It goes a little way to explaining how people fall down this black hole. I am not saying it is an excuse and it does not make a difference to the fall out that we have to deal with but it explains the addiction and need for more extreme and shocking images. XP