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Ahhh bless you, your mind is spinning, I know how that feels, been there still have data like that two years later. Just slow down. Take one thing at a time, one day at a time. Give yourself time to greive I promise it will get easier. I've heard others talk about a chirty called children seen and heard that could help with your children. Rant away thats what we are here for xxc big hugs xx
Dragonmama - Oh how I feel your anxiety and panic. Just try not to take everything on board at once. You could end up worrying about something that might not happen.
Hug sent.
Hug sent.
So sorry you are struggling
Your mind is racing, take a deep breath, this journey is full of anxiety and anticipation unfortunately
Please reach out to your GP as you need to think of yourself first or the helpline
Hugs sent xx
So sorry you are struggling
Your mind is racing, take a deep breath, this journey is full of anxiety and anticipation unfortunately
Please reach out to your GP as you need to think of yourself first or the helpline
Hugs sent xx