Family and Friends Forum

Getting Evicted

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Member since
March 2019

3 posts

Hi everyone,

I was just wondering whether anyone would have any advice for me.

My dad got a community sentence for the possession of indecent images of children a few months ago. Since then, due to being attacked and the local newspaper posting details of our address, my dad hasn't felt safe there and has put in for an exchange (something you can do with social housing so you can move house).

However, he has just found out that someone has raised an antisocial behaviour complaint, relating to his charge. The social housing company have said he can no longer go through with the house exchange and he risks eviction.

I was wondering if housing associations were able to discriminate against you based on criminal charges. I think the anti-social complaint was raised by neighbours who have children and don't want to live next to him anymore due to his convictions.

I'm concerned as I have lived in the house all my life, I am now at uni and 22 years old, so I will be losing my house too.

Just wondered if anyone has had a similar problem post-conviction and what avenues are available?

Thanks in advance!

Posted Tue April 30, 2019 6:55pmReport post


Member since
February 2019

38 posts

For a housing association to evict someone they need a court order from a judge and that will be hard for them get. The judge needs to consider his human rights when they consider the case. It is also costly for them. They are possibly under pressure from a neighbour and they would find it easier to support you both with a move be that a mutual exchange or a transfer. They can prevent those in cases where there have been ASB committed but that is usually about the effect on neighbours such as noisy parties or drug dealing. I wonder if you can get legal aid for some advice. I know that you used to be able to get it in eviction cases but it might have changed. Eviction will be a long way down the road and to me sounds like it would be difficult for them to do. It's hard enough when people are drug dealers for example and they get chance after chance off the courts. Do you know if you have been served with a notice seeking possession or has it been just discussion so far? They have to serve a notice first and then give people an opportunity to stop whatever behaviour they are complaining about. If that doesn't stop then they can start applications to the court but like I said it's a long drawn out process. I would start by pinning them down as to their reasons and pick that apart if you can. Good luck.

Posted Tue April 30, 2019 10:37pmReport post

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