Family and Friends Forum

One year on from 2nd time around

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Member since
September 2018

22 posts

Well it's just a couple of days over a year since knock number 2, and I still wake in the morning and think was it all an awful dream ???? my boys haven't see or spoken to their dad since the knock, my oldest is still quite angry and anxious but is on medication that is agreeing with him now, the younger one hasn't really spoken about any of it except the very bare facts however he is receiving support in school, I have found this forum a godsend as don't feel so alone in my own feelings, which to be honest are all over the place at times, luckily in a way unlike some on here for my husband the legal process was quite quick from arrest, charge remand to sentencing was 5 /6 months yes he is now on licence and not living and won't be back to live with us as a family / father. I am thankful for my small but wonderful family and group of good friends too, however sometimes I can't discuss my feelings with them as it's almost like am grieving, and some of my friends struggle to understand why I still have contact or care for my husband. Yes am looking into a divorce but just right now my head isn't in the right place. My employer has been absolutely fantastic too and as it's a family run business the owners take time out to ask how am getting on. My husband since his arrest and via his program has disclosed so quite disturbing things about his childhood for which he has been advised to seek professional support / help with.

I I am considering some sort of counselling but it's so very expensive and the NHS waiting list is extremely long,

Posted Wed May 1, 2019 11:03pmReport post


Member since
September 2018

181 posts

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Posted Thu May 2, 2019 6:39am
Edited Mon May 3, 2021 6:25amReport post


Member since
September 2018

22 posts

Thank you Andrea and poster, my GP has only really handed out medication but yes I think I will go along and request a referral, yes unlike big organisations there is no OH within the company however there is a good system that allows me to have time to chat with management. It would be good if we were given a chance to meet up, that's what i found good about the inform course I did on first time around. Its definitely about doing things at my own pace and time I feel its like starting to take back control of my life

Posted Sun May 5, 2019 11:13pm
Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:25pmReport post

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