Family and Friends Forum

An associated address

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Member since
December 2022

41 posts

Posted Wed December 21, 2022 5:55pmReport post

Hi guys,

Just looking for a bit of advice, if someone has ever gone through anything similar...

My person is under investigation for distributing an indecent image. From what he has stated and told the police, there are more images.

He was not living with me but stayed at mine frequently. My address was where the detectives 'knocked' and seized his items.

I am fully aware we live in a democratic society and the importance of reporting. But does anyone know if it is possible to get an associated address from not being mentioned in court? Should it go down that avenue...

From what I can gather from like to like cases which hit the media (in my area) the address where the property is searched is sometimes mentioned. I'm just wondering as he did not live with me but stayed frequently, whether that would be mentioned or not in court...

I'm just wondering if anyone has any hints or tips about how I would deal with this?

My youngest sons health visitor suggested I contact SS who are not involved, but they did not respond to me.

Is it worth seeking legal advice perhaps?

I just thought I would ask incase someone has faced this or something simular.

Best Wishes.

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1120 posts

Posted Thu December 22, 2022 9:18pmReport post


My person was staying with me at the time of the knock, was arrested at work and they came to my house to pick up his other devices. My address was not in the media, it was incorrectly reported that he was arrested at his parent's address.
I think you can make a request to the court via his solicitor not to have your address read out due to having children at your address and it not being his registered address xxx


Member since
December 2022

41 posts

Posted Fri December 23, 2022 10:49amReport post


Thank you so much for always replying.

I'm glad your address was not leaked. Do you know how I would go about applying to the court if I decide not to have any contact with him?

Would it be the case I would have to apply for legal aid and go down that route? Or if there would be a generic form I would need to complete? Or perhaps just requesting from the lead police officer? Anything you know or don't is greatly appreciated either way.

Also, do you know what happens with SS once their time on SOR has been spent?

And if you don't mind me asking. Are you happy you have kept in contact and perhaps working through your relationship? Or do you wish you cut ties? Xxx

Distressed and pregnant

Member since
November 2020

1120 posts

Posted Fri December 23, 2022 7:58pmReport post


I'm sorry, I really don't know how you would do it without having any contact. I'll always reply when I can. The discussion and support section gets the most traffic so you may get more replies on there.

We are nearly two years into a five year SOR and SHPO so again I can't give much response on whether SS will deem anything necessary by the time he comes off. They've asked that I go back to them when/if he moves back in but tbh I'd probably go back before that because I'd rather do a gradual return.

I'm glad I maintained contact because he is a good dad and they have a fantastic relationship. In terms of our relationship I am pleased that we have the option of rebuilding slowly, there are some women on here whose circumstances prevent that as they cannot afford to live separately or have caring responsibilities to their person. Our next step is couples counselling but unsure when that will be. Don't feel like you need all the answers to your future right now, take whatever steps you choose and see how things go. Sending love xxx
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