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I'm being treated as witness - has anyone experienced this?

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Member since
February 2019

30 posts

Hello all,

I've been interviewed by the police as a witness in my (soon to be ex) husband's investigation and had to provide a formal statement. Has anyone else had to do this?

My husband is under investigation for chat room activity and having six category c images on his phone. In the most bizarre coincidence, four weeks after the knock I was contacted by a woman who told me she had had a sexual relationship with my husband when she was 16 - 18 (eight years ago) and he had taken naked photos of her. I had to confirm to the police that one of the photos was taken in our family home. He cannot be charged for having a sexual relationship with her but as she was under 18 when the photos were taken, he could be charged with this.

I'm wondering if this is why I am being treated as a witness - that I have been in communication with this woman and have identifed the location of an image.

I hate being implicated in his investigation. Being interviewed has brought back all of the horrible feelings that followed the knock and then the woman's revelation.

J x

Posted Mon May 6, 2019 8:12pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

12 posts

I was treated has witness first time had to do statement due to he said didn't do anything till I had to go police station then he admitted it all. Week later I had to do statement incase he pleaded not guilty I felt I was living nightmare but time went on felt better social services put me into counselling then 5 years later had knock to say happen again for 2nd time

Posted Mon May 6, 2019 8:57pmReport post


Member since
May 2019

21 posts

Hi there,

I too was asked to give a formal statement and complied. It was awful at the time. For me it was more about giving information about our routines and lives as a couple. The police officer implied that it was unlikely I'd be called to court though I guess this cannot be completely ruled out.

I had no idea about any of it and have not actually seen my ex-partner since his arrest two months ago. I work with children so once I knew why he'd been arrested (a police officer phoned me, not my ex himself) I said straight away I would not accept him being bailed to my address and I've not seen him at all.

Not sure if it was because I work with children. I would guess it's one of those things that is decided case-by-case but I am not an expert.

Just remember that your role is to tell the truth and you are not the one being investigated but I understand that emotionally it's not always as easy as that.

Take care x

Posted Mon May 6, 2019 9:01pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Hi Josephine

I had to give a witness statement to the police as my husband went not guilty, he'd also changed his story several times to the police and me so I think some of it was too show the he wasn't a credible person.

I was really nice about doing the statement but felt morally I should and I also hoped it would help him get the treatment he needed.

Fortunately he went guilty before the court case so I didn't have to give evidence


Posted Mon May 6, 2019 9:50pmReport post


Member since
February 2019

30 posts

Thank you Helen, Gemini and Tracey.

I'm relieved to know it has happened to others, even if you did have to go through yet another horrible experience.

I think I was shocked at being asked about our relationship, what our sex life was like - that kind of thing. And I really hope I don't have to give evidence in court, if it comes to that.

I'm feeling better about it today so I know I'm becoming stronger and more resilient.

Thanks again,

J x

Posted Tue May 7, 2019 8:22pmReport post

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