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Daughter is struggling

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Member since
March 2019

103 posts

My daughter (9) is really struggling with her Dad not being at home. He left when I got the knock 4/10/17 and he was my daughters hero, so it was so hard for her and 19 months on its still devastating for her. She doesn't know the reason he left she thinks we just broke up, the court case is soon so I'm very scared it will be in the paper and someone will tell her, I don't know how she will cope. She cries most day's at school and home, she had seen a councillor at school and I've just made an appointment to see the doctor to see if they can do anything for her. This is breaking my heart. I hate my ex husband do much, I can't believe that watching children being raped and abused was more important to him then his family. The hatred is eating me up. Did anyone else need help for their children?


Posted Thu May 9, 2019 10:55amReport post


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Thanks poster,

At the moment I'm just taking it a day at a time, she told me she didn't cry today and had a good day, thank god. I might not say much on here, but I log in everyday, it help me to know I'm not the only one, and it helps to read the advice people give. So thank you to everyone. Next Thursday is the first court date, so won't be getting much sleep. Oh well this is my life now! :(

Again thanks. X

Posted Thu May 9, 2019 7:29pm
Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:23pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Cher also sending you my love.

my daughter is five now and a real daddy’s girl so it’s been tough, like you she doesn’t understand what happened as we weren’t arguing before we broke up. I have told her daddy has a poorly brain which I think is good as it’s the truth.

like you said it’s sick to watch children being abused, I also can’t believe it’s come to this. I feel much better when I don’t supervise the contact myself and prefer the Sunday contact which my mum does.

I still find it very hard to get my head around and know I need this space to sort out my own well-being. I trusted this man and he was a very good liar to hide this from us.

Poster offers some reassurance. You will cope it’s hard thinking of the worse. I also don’t want my daughter hearing from her friends and the press. Though you don’t know if it will get that far yet and can have a plan in place the day after court. When she finds out it should be done in a sensitive way but as it’s not for that far yet I think your right holding off from the facts.

one thing I know is all our children are going to be pretty caring and non judgmental after this. Though like you I am still angry that it cane to him completely self destructing before accessing support. I know every single person is different but I am sure no one wants to be attracted to children or numb enough through depression that they need a extreme sexual pictures to make them feel something.

At the moment I am letting my daughter see her day two hours twice a week. But who knows once the changes are mage clear. Be lead by your heart and in the best possible interests of your children they are the innocent people in this and I truly hope it doesn’t hit your daughters school ( does she have the same surname as her dad) xxx

with love beth Lou xxx

Posted Fri May 10, 2019 11:15pm
Edited by moderator Wed July 8, 2020 5:24pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

103 posts

Thank you Beth,

My daughter still has his last name as he wouldn't let me change it, do selfish! But it is a common name. He see her for an hour and a half twice a week then out with his parents for a couple of hours at the weekend, but if it is in the paper he won't be able to come to the house anymore incase someone sees him. I find it so hard having in my house, I really don't want anything to do with him, I can't even look at him and it puts me in a really bad mood.

Posted Sun May 12, 2019 12:07pmReport post

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