Family and Friends Forum

Evidence and court appearances

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Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Hi all

i haven't posted on here for a while. The knock for me came in August 2021 and it's just feels like it is never ending.

My other half was at magistrates court on the 19th December. We were there at 9 with court starting at 10. We met with his solicitor to go through things to be told that they were still waiting for the evidence. This was meant to be sent to the solicitor while we were there. she was really good went back and forth to get this sent to her but Almost 3 hrs later she still hadn't received it. Judge wasn't happy with this but they have said it was a cps computer problem and access couldn't be gained as someone had locked it. The main thing they are waiting for is the chat log. My other half had been talking to someone on kik that after his arrest we were informed that is was a 13 year old girl. To the find out as the other half got a solicitor that it was actually an undercover police person. How they could keep that quiet for over 15 months was a shock for me.

In the summary that the solicitor has they have said they girl said she was 13 but without the chat log the solicitor couldn't advise him accordingly so no plea was entered. My other half said he does not remember this message. He does have a habit of deleting messages to stop me from seeing them. He has cheated on me in the past and knows I know his id for his phone and do have a sneaky look when his left it while his out the room.

No images have been found on his devices and the eveidence is conversation and the fact he sent a video of himself and was attempting to engaged her in, inappropriate sexual conversations. He was into the whole daddy role play linked to sub and dom, but obviously in this situation that doesn't look good.

has anyone else experienced the evidence not coming through for the first court appearance?
He is due back in court on the 16th Jan, and speaking to his solicitor Friday they still do not have the evidence. WTF!

Posted Sun January 8, 2023 9:03pmReport post


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Posted Sun January 8, 2023 9:49pm
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


Member since
August 2021

22 posts


it's so unfair isn't it. How can proper guidance etc be given if the evidence isn't there.

we were told that it won't effect the discount but we know come this apperence a plea has to be entered. I'm just praying that what they need is shared.

Posted Sun January 8, 2023 10:54pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

Hi Stacey,

If the evidence still isn't there ask your solicitor if it would be possible to request terminating proceedings. This can be requested if there is no evidence to suggest wrongdoing. I'm not entirely sure whether their lack of providing evidence is because they just haven't sent it or if they don't really have much but if it's the latter it would be worth suggesting it. We must try anything possible and sometimes you're not offered things unless you ask so though I would suggest x

Posted Mon January 9, 2023 9:44amReport post


Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Thank you for your comments.

the eveidence came through 5 minutes before he was due in court.
My OH had no choice but to plead guilty and both myself and his sister told him that as there was no way around the conversation and there was opportunity for him to stop it.
We have a date for sentencing which is in March. Other eveidence did show there was over 3000 conversations with appropriate women within the role play - daddy baby girl (dom and sub)
There isn't other conversations with inappropriate individuals so now it's just waiting to see what happens in March with sentencing.

It's hard with the outcome and where to go as a couple. I have people saying I deserve better and I know I do. It's not a decision that can be made lightly when you have been with someone for 20 years

Posted Thu January 19, 2023 2:06pmReport post


Member since
September 2022

255 posts

Stacey I get how you feel. My husband was also communication and he had been having lots of online chats of a sexual nature with women for 2 years. He also pleaded guilty as he did have chats with 2 underage girls (also decoys). He also met with prostitutes and I haven't asked about whether he met other women, but I'm guessing that could also be the case. He got a suspended sentence but the write-up in the paper was awful and lots of people are judging him based on that article. He most likely has ASD and though that doesn't excuse what he did, it does explain a bit of how he ended up in this situation. For now, we're not together but I'm still supporting him as a friend. Like you, I can't totally forget the 20 years and I do still care about him. And I find my feelings so conflicted about it all. He's the last person I expected to do this.

Posted Thu January 19, 2023 4:43pmReport post

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