Family and Friends Forum

Desperate mum

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Member since
January 2023

180 posts

Hi, I'm new here but feel like I need to at least write down a little of what I'm going through. It started last May 2022 with a knock at the door from the police with a search warrant. They took my then 17 year old sons phone and games console and said they had reason to believe that he possessed indecent ages of children. Right there and then my world fell apart. Social services visited to safeguard my other son who is 10. All was fine and they signed us off. Roll onto Jan 2023 police came back and arrested my now 18 year old, he was interviewed and evidence has now gone to cps and awaiting decision. We have a solicitor. There is a mixture of categories on his phone. But none since July 2021 he said he realised how wrong it was so stopped. He is very remorseful and says he has no interest in children. The thing I'm most terrified about is it going in our local media. How do I deal with that to protect his younger brother.

My son was 16 at the time of his offences, I am wondering if theis will affect the cps decision?

Posted Mon January 9, 2023 8:25amReport post

Worried sick Mum

Member since
January 2023

2 posts

I am in a very similar position. We got the knock early Feb last year. My son was just 15. He had been involved with certain chat rooms and file sharing and had accessed underage images and them sent on to other users to swap for normal (whatever that is) pornography. Like yours he says he got scared and knew he was doing wrong and had stopped contacting with this group. That was back in Oct 21. He would have been 14 while this was all going on. However, stupidly kept some images on his phone which is what they found when the arrested him. It's now nearly a year later, social services signed us off, but still not heard anything from the police. He's 16 soon. Also he is on the spectrum so not even sure if this and age has any bearing. Just worried sick it is taking so long. Does it usually take 12 months or more? My heart goes out you as I know how sick I feel about it. X

Posted Tue January 10, 2023 9:24pmReport post


Member since
January 2023

180 posts

Hi worried sick mum.... the thing you have on your side is your sons age. Being under 18 means his name will not be spread in the media so no one needs to know. It definitely takes a long long time. We seem to be slightly ahead of you in this process, as ours is now with the cps awaiting charges. It's just heartbreaking that this may affect their lives for something they done when they were so young. I am sending you all the love and strength through this and we will come through the other side eventually. Please keep us posted throughout. This forum is fantastic for support xxx

Posted Wed January 11, 2023 10:33amReport post

Worried sick Mum

Member since
January 2023

2 posts

Hi KT,

thank you so much for your reply and support. It feels like time is standing still. I blame myself so often and think why didn't I search his phone more often or more thoroughly.. it's just not something you would expect. I just pray they can both move on with their lives and get over this .. and us all too. Awful just waiting.. but what else can we do? Sending strength To you too. X

Posted Wed February 1, 2023 9:10pmReport post

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