Family and Friends Forum

Long stay overseas

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August 2021

15 posts

My husband was sentenced to probation and 5 years SOR/SHPO. He doesn't have any specific travel restrictions and we have had holidays in Europe just notifying the police as required by the SOR. The SHPO just has Internet restrictions. The probation ends this year and when it's over we want to spend more time abroad - up to 12 months. Probably based in one city.

I can't see any specific prohibition on longer trips in the rules, but have not seen anything about longer trips.

Does anyone have any experience of long stays overseas while on SRO? How did you go about it.

Any tips would be welcome, thanks in advance.

Posted Sun January 15, 2023 4:26pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


I only occasionally view this site as we are 6 years post conviction...

For your info your partner will need to notify his PPU dept of any trips longer than 7 days ...same for going over seas..etc. PPU cannot stop anyone from travelling or staying away for long periods.... They can if they believe there is a risk flag the "arrival" country by way of a Green Notice and this allows the immigration dept of that country to either intervene or not.

Upon return back into the UK he would have to re notify within 3 days of his new address...

The UK does not share routine criminal convictions or information with foreign governments, they will issue Green Notices if they believe there is a perceived risk.

Finally for everyone considering a holiday to Europe from October 2023 you WILL require a visa (ESTA) for travel... According to HUB-UNLOCK there is a requirement to declare ANY conviction from the past 10 years...

The reason for the new visa is due to Brexit and our removal from the Schengen Intelligence System....The European block is currently rebuilding a new intelligence base and because we no longer share information they have recruited a new team based in France and this is where the intelligence will be stored .

Hub LOCK cannot as yet clarify if being on the UK SOR or with a SHPO will prevent offenders travelling from October 2023.

Best wishes...

Posted Sun January 15, 2023 7:54pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

I would highly recommend discussing with the police, as it isnt a typical request. I'm not sure how often police are meant to do spot checks but I assume they would need to do monitoring checks and that would be difficult if abroad.

They can also put a green notice on a passport I believe - so the authorities in another country may not allow him in anyway, or at least long period of time.

I'm dreading the outcome for post Brexit. I haven't been on holiday with my partner overseas and with the conviction and not enough money EU trips was our only hope. I don't want o have to travel with family and I'm not keen going solo. I'm hoping those on SOR can still go abroad in Europe, at least some countries at least

Posted Mon January 16, 2023 1:44pmReport post

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