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Am I in the wrong??

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Member since
May 2019

61 posts

Posted Tue May 14, 2019 9:25amReport post

So yesterday was a really bad day for me, my emotions were all over the place! And to top it all off my tablet which was taken was returned. I now don't want the tablet as I feel MY privacy has been invaded. My husband thinks Im being stupid and that I have no reason to feel like this.

Am I just being stupid??

I am really struggling with the up and down of my emotions and not being able to sleep is not helping. Does anyone have any good tips please.

Thank you for your help as always xx


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Tue May 14, 2019 9:56amReport post

Hi Mata

What you're feeling is totally normal, I know during the search of my home I was so upset to think that strangers were looking through my cupboards and drawers and my entire life really.

I found it really hard when they were looking at the electrical items because our holiday photos were on there plus family photos, photos that were just for our eyes and I don't mean intimate ones just photos of ours that should never have been of any interest to anyone else. Who wants to look through the 300 photos of the last place we were in holiday, the only people who would want to were the people on that holiday - I don't know if I'm making any sense at all but I guess I'm trying to say these were or precious memories that now feel tainted not only because I feel my husband was lying throughout our lives together but also because those memories no longer feel special

God I'm waffling today, I hope you realise I'm trying to say what you're feeling is completely normal and natural. Some days we can cope others we can't and it's as simple as that.

I'm over a year into this nightmare and still have times when it just feels hopeless and I'm not in control but those times are fewer than they used to be!

Please take care, you're doing great xx


Member since
January 2019

282 posts

Posted Tue May 14, 2019 4:09pmReport post

I feel exactly the same. My husband received his conviction and they kept 1 item with the images on but I can have the 20 something items back however I've told my husband I dont want them back as they've been handled by police etc and each time I use them it will remind me.

The same as when I had an estate agent round. It just felt like the police were round again



Member since
May 2019

10 posts

Posted Wed May 15, 2019 7:13pmReport post

Mata , you are going through all the emotions that we have all probably gone through and still are at times. I did go to the doctor as I could feel myself getting depressed. I'm on anti- depressant which is helping mostly. You have to get over the shock first and then let it sink in what is happening. I don't think your being stupid. I feel the same that I don't want our computer back. It's like putting temptation in the way. Take each day as it comes Mata

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Posted Mon May 20, 2019 3:12pmReport post

Hi Mata

they didn’t take my iPad but went through it in front of me. Felt horrible. I now delete my browsing history every single time I use my iPad. I wasn’t looking st anything bad but it felt so intrusive that I never ever want that to happen again. So no, you’re not being stupid x