Think I need to admit defeat
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Knock on 21st November I have been surviving being the strong person I have always been and now it seems I am drowning, my daughter has councillor and oh has mental health nurse and also s.a.a support group with a sponsor but where do I turn please ????
You could try counselling for yourself. StopSO have a self-referral option which links you with someone trained in these offences. Or phone the StopItNow helpline. Have you told any friends or family?
I have told my friend she has been so good but all she keeps saying is she is worried for me and wants me to see someone, I need to be strong for my oh his mental health really isn't good
I just had a session with a stop so counsellor which was very helpful
ive also started private counselling with a counsellor who has given me a reduced rate that she reaerves for some clients x
ive also started private counselling with a counsellor who has given me a reduced rate that she reaerves for some clients x
I got free therapy through my go mental health nurse, she hurried it along as I was dealing with a lot at the time. But seems there's not much lire for us. I say to my person he's lucky, he's a whole team looking after him. Makes me feel resentful sometimes but I'm gkad he's getting the help.
Trying to turn positives into negatives but some days there seems to be more negatives, my house has never been so organised and i have returned to my crafting anything to distract me, I have also been completing a journal of this journey, I think I will call stop it now and see how I get on its only oh that has called them so far